Periodical Administration System
Developed by
Matthew Wissman, Steve Oberg, and Dan Bowell
Taylor University
Last updated:
01/03/2005 3:33 PM
The Taylor Periodical Administration
System (TPAS) is a database-driven web application that provides a public
search interface for looking up all periodicals (e.g. print and online)
to which the Taylor libraries provide access. TPAS also incorporates an
administrative interface for storing and managing administrative metadata
about these periodicals.
Given the right information,
skills, and standards, it is our belief that there is plenty of room
for cheaply and effectively developing a home-grown system to manage
and present periodical list information to users, even for small academic
institutions and/or public libraries. While several commercial applications
are now available from a variety of vendors, they generally involve
a signficant annual cost and possess limited capabilities for local
customization and presentation of information. There may be an invisible
workload line (say, if a library is managing more than x number of journals)
which when crossed, makes it more feasible to choose the commercial
route, and obviously there are many libraries who have chosen this path.
At Taylor, we decided to
implement a home-grown system two years ago using ASP and an Access
database mounted as a file on our external web server. It was developed
using the part-time help of a Taylor undergraduate computer science
student who was looking for real-world experience in database design
and web application development. The initial system was somewhat basic
and was constructed and maintained by using separate vendor title lists
from each vendor to which we subscribed, combined with a title list
of print periodicals maintained on an Excel spreadsheet. The search
interface, known as the Taylor Periodical List, initially allowed the
user to browse by the first letter of the periodical title but later
on, the ability to do keyword title searches as well as restrict the
search by format (print or online or both, with both being the default)
was added. Once the user found the title he or she was looking for,
if the periodical was available online, a hypertext link with the name
of the database as link text was presented on which the user could click
to go directly to the articles available in that particular database.
In addition the user was given static full text dates that indicated
coverage for each periodical in each database. Initially the number
of periodicals searchable through this interface was around 4,000, but
as more and more online, full-text journal article databases were added,
this number swelled to approximately 8,000. Although accomplished almost
entirely through student part-time help, the process of maintaining
this database and search interface was relatively intensive due to having
to manually merge title information from disparate vendor title lists,
in addition to maintaining information about print subscriptions (adds
and/or cancellations) throughout the year.
Project Goals
In spite of some limitations,
the original application became "mission critical" for the
Library. It quickly achieved the rank of second most visited e-resource
on the Library's website after the online catalog. With this in mind,
planning began in early 2003 for a revised, improved periodical management
system whose goals included the following:
- expand the scope of the
end product to incorporate maintenance of administrative information
(e.g. subscription periods, cost, consortium information, publisher,
reports, centralized statistics gathering, etc.)
- enhance the user interface
to provide improved search capabilities including search by subject
and ISSN in addition to keyword search by title
- provide more accurate
and timely full text dates information
- switch to a more robust
database architecture and scripting language to better handle increasing
traffic and system load
- integrate TPAS with SFX
where possible, particularly in regard to utilizing SFX's regularly
updated Knowledge Base from which to derive up-to-date title list
information for 99% of the periodical databases to which we subscribe
A new TPAS was implemented
in October 2003, with the invaluable help of the same undergraduate
computer science major who has worked on the application from the outset.
A lot of work remains to be done to refine the application's usability
both for users and staff. However, the new architecture and interfaces
(public and administrative) are already proving to be vastly superior
to the old system, and ongoing improvements are quickly being implemented.
Perhaps the biggest enhancement yet to be implemented at this date is
populating the subject fields to enable subject searching, although
the database architecture is already set up to support it
[see Changes and Enhancements section below for an update about this
functionality]. TPAS currently supports access to and management
of 10,962 unique periodicals.
Public Interface
Access to the public interface
of TPAS is via the Taylor Periodical List, available as a link from
the Library's homepage. While the periodical list is able to be viewed
and searched by anyone, access to individual periodicals via hypertext
links from within search results is restricted to members of the Taylor
University community. The following screen captures show elements of
the search interface (click on image to see full view).

Initial search

A sample search
results screen
Administrative Interface
The administrative interface
is restricted both by IP address and by administrative password. The
following screen captures show the main interface screen as well as
some of the screens available through selecting various menu choices
(click on image to see full view).

Initial admin. screen

Database list screen

Database update screen

Add a periodical
Technical Details
TPAS was built using PHP
4.x and MS SQLServer 2000. Approximately
11,000 unique periodicals are available in the system out of 19,414
total periodical sources. Online periodicals from 37
different databases are included.
Changes and Enhancements
- New, simplified search interface
for the public [Done]
- Addition/use of availability
information from the SFX Knowledge Base, e.g. "from 1942 vol. 1
no. 1" or "from 1996" [Done]
- Addition/use of embargo
period information from the SFX Knowledge Base, e.g. "Last 6 months
n/a" [Done]
- Creation of simplified subject
categories to begin to enable subject assignment and searches by subject,
based on list of majors offered by Taylor [Done]
- Map title keywords to simplified
subject categories to enable automated subject assignments
- Improve speed of monthly
periodical database update process [Done]
- Simplify and improve the
process for adding individual periodical entries (e.g. when a new open
access journal is announced and we want to make it available via the
periodical list) [Done]
- Add ability for the application
to compare incoming, updated title information with existing titles
in the database and to output the differences to a .html or .cvs file
(this is particularly useful for aggregator databases, when one wants
to see what periodical titles have been dropped from the database vs.
what titles have been added since the last update)
- Add ability to automatically
delete periodical information for titles that are no longer available
in a particular database, as part of the monthly updating process
- Create several on-the-fly
reports for management and statistical information
- Make application XML "friendly"
to accept data exported in XML from the SFX Knowledge Base
- PHP 5.x support
- Add the ability for the
application to support other database servers besides MS SQLServer 2000,
such as MySQL or PostGreSQL
- Implement a post-update
find and replace function to fix typos or other incorrect information
Whom to Contact for
More Information
Please feel free to contact
Steve Oberg at stoberg@tayloru.edu
with any questions, suggestions, observations, etc. about TPAS.