LINX: managing Earth Sciences free web resources at Milano Bicocca University Library = LINX: la gestione delle risorse web di Scienze della Terra della biblioteca di Ateneo di Milano-Bicocca

Papalia, Chiara, Saccenti, Luisanna and Verga, Francesca LINX: managing Earth Sciences free web resources at Milano Bicocca University Library = LINX: la gestione delle risorse web di Scienze della Terra della biblioteca di Ateneo di Milano-Bicocca., 2007 . In Geoitalia 2007, Rimini (RN), Italia, 11/09/2007. (Unpublished) [Conference poster]

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English abstract

The library of the Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca has adopted the Scout Portal Toolkit (SPT) open-source software to catalog, display, and share collections of data about web resources. The result was the creation of “LINX – Link e strumenti X la ricerca”, which has a dedicated Earth Sciences section. LINX is a collection of free resources for education and research selected by the library staff and/or recommended by users: web sites, databases, virtual reference desks, repositories, etc. It is conceived as a place where all library patrons, and external users as well, can suggest and share resources. It is open to everybody, not just for browsing, but also for taking an active part in cataloging the resources. These resources are cataloged with simple and qualified Dublin Core Metadata Elements and classified in one or more categories or subcategories. LINX can be searched by resource title, author and keywords, and browsed by category. With LINX, the library offers its patrons, and scholars and researchers in general, a chance to share their bookmarks in an informal way, and help each other find their way among the many resources available on the net. A special feature of the LINX database is that it allows users not only to interact with library staff by recommending specific resources, but also to interact with each other by posting comments on the existing resources. To recommend a new resource, there is no need to register: users just have to fill in a dedicated form; library staff will then evaluate the resource, complete the description and publish it. Users will be notified when their record is published. Registration is required when users want to set alerts, rate resources and add comments: ratings and comments can be viewed by other users as well. LINX also has a page called “Risorse suggerite” for logged in users, where the system suggests other web resources according to the ratings given by the same user to existing records. University audience has the advantage of connecting to LINX from the familiar frame of the institutional library site, whose home page links directly to the database. The choice to include only free resources means that all the data are available to everybody at any time, regardless of location and user status. For the Earth Sciences domain, LINX means finding useful material such as cartography websites, directories of open access journals, repositories and websites of professional associations and institutions already selected and gathered in categories and subcategories. The Earth Sciences category is divided into several subcategories corresponding to more specific subjects, such as Mineralogy, Environmental Geology and Oceanography. The sense of community is fostered by the ability to suggest, rate and comment. In a context where scholars and researchers are struggling against information overload, even within a single discipline, LINX is the tool Bicocca has chosen to help its users find the right material for their needs.

Italian abstract

Con il database di risorse web a libero accesso LINX, la Biblioteca di Ateneo offre al pubblico di Scienze della Terra uno strumento per consultare e condividere risorse selezionate. LINX è un database di risorse free per lo studio e la didattica, selezionate dalla biblioteca e/o suggerite dagli utenti: siti web, database, VRDs, repository, etc. Consultazione, segnalazione e condivisione delle risorse sono aperte a tutti, così come la possibilità di collaborare alla catalogazione delle stesse. LINX è realizzato con il software open source Scout Portal Toolkit (SPT) : le risorse sono catalogate con Dublin Core Metadata Elements e classificate in una o più categorie o sottocategorie. Si può cercare per titolo della risorsa, autore e parole chiave, o navigare l’albero delle categorie. Con LINX, gli utenti trovano il materiale di Scienze della Terra (siti di cartografia, directory di riviste open access, repository, ecc.) già selezionato ed organizzato in categorie e sottocategorie. La categoria Scienze della Terra è suddivisa in sottocategorie più specifiche, come Mineralogia, Geologia ambientale ed Oceanografia. Lo spirito di comunità è incoraggiato dalla possibilità di suggerire risorse, votare e aggiungere commenti. Per segnalare una nuova risorsa, basta riempire un form; lo staff della biblioteca la valuterà e pubblicherà il record. Per impostare gli alert, votare le risorse e commentarle è necessario registrarsi, ma commenti e voti sono visibili a tutti gli utenti. Con LINX, la biblioteca offre ai suoi utenti, ed agli studiosi in generale, la possibilità di condividere in modo informale i propri bookmark per orientarsi nel web, e di interagire con i bibliotecari, tramite la segnalazione di nuove risorse; e con altri utenti, tramite i commenti a risorse già esistenti.

Item type: Conference poster
Keywords: free web resources, Earth sciences, database, sharing of information, risorse web gratuite, Scienze della Terra, database, condivisione delle informazioni
Subjects: H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HL. Databases and database Networking.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HP. e-resources.
L. Information technology and library technology > LZ. None of these, but in this section.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BG. Information dissemination and diffusion.
Depositing user: Francesca Verga
Date deposited: 01 Nov 2007
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:09


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