FRBR和CIDOC CRM知识本体之间的协调工作

Gu, Ben FRBR和CIDOC CRM知识本体之间的协调工作. 数字图书馆论坛, 2007, vol. 2007, n. 2, pp. 39-42. [Journal article (Paginated)]


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English abstract

The author introduces CIDOC CRM, which is a conceptual model developed by CIDOC (Comité International pour la DOCumentation) of ICOM (International Council of Museums), and the work of International Working Group on FRBR/CIDOC CRM Harmonisation. After some meetings, the Working Group had some new findings about FRBR and CIDOC CRM, and proposed some recommendations for future revision of FRBR, which should be object-oriented.

Chinese abstract

本文介绍了国际博物馆理事会下属的国际文献工作委员会提出的CIDOC CRM这个面向对象的概念参考模型以及最近成立的FRBR和CIDOC CRM国际协调工作组的工作。经过若干次会议,工作组发现FRBR和CIDOC CRM都存在一些内在的缺陷。通过双方的比较,工作组提出了FRBR今后修订的一些建议。

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: FRBR; CIDOC CRM; Ontology; Conceptual model; FRBRoo; 编目; 知识本体; 概念模型
Subjects: I. Information treatment for information services > IA. Cataloging, bibliographic control.
Depositing user: Ben Gu
Date deposited: 07 Oct 2007
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:09


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