Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Morrison, Heather Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The Charleston Advisor, 2008, vol. 9, n. 3, pp. 19-26. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is the world’s most authoritative list of scholarly, peer-reviewed, fully open access journals, and a “must” for libraries of all types. As of August 2007, DOAJ includes over 2,800 titles, over 10% of the world’s estimated 20-25,000 peer-reviewed scholarly journal titles. This is an impressive list; in terms of numbers of titles, DOAJ compares favorably with commercial journal packages. DOAJ is growing rapidly, at a rate of more than one title per calendar day. DOAJ’s highly functional and aesthetically pleasing interface features a number of search options, including a new search option for authors looking for open access or hybrid journals to publish in. DOAJ is freely available, and working towards economic sustainability through an optional membership / sponsorship program. This article examines the DOAJ membership program in some depth. Membership fees for libraries and library consortia are an incredible bargain. The membership fee for DOAJ’s 2,800 (and growing) title list is less than the average subscription cost for a single journal in any scientific discipline, and DOAJ represents significant staff time savings for libraries. The promotional benefits of DOAJ membership are important to position libraries for leadership in the internet age, and especially in the key emerging area of scholarly communications. DOAJ is a very popular service among libraries, with a strong reputation for quality; membership or sponsorship is likely to be highly beneficial to library service providers. As a free resource, DOAJ is strongly recommended for all libraries. DOAJ titles can be included in A-Z journal lists, library catalogues or websites, and subject-specific URLs can be added to subject guides or pathfinders.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Directory of Open Access Journals, serials lists, open access, DOAJ
Subjects: H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HA. Periodicals, Newspapers.
Depositing user: Heather G Morrison
Date deposited: 13 Jan 2008
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:10


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4. Crow, Raym. Publishing Cooperatives: An Alternative for Society Publishers. A SPARC Discussion Paper. p.

4. Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resource Coalition (SPARC) 2006.

Download from:

5. Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. Viewed August 2, 2007

6. Morris, Sally. Personal View: When is a Journal Not a Journal? Learned Publishing 19:1 (January 2006).

7. Morrison, Heather. DOAJ: Strong Growth: Understanding the Numbers. The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics September 5, 2007

8. Kaufman-Wills. The Facts About Open Access. Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) Research Report. 24 October 2005.

Available for free download from:

10. Ruecker, Stan, Stéfan Sinclair, and Milena Radzikowska. Confidence, Visual Research, and the Aesthetic Function. Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, Vol 2, No 1 (2007)

11. Murray, Peter, OhioLINK. Phone conversation August 14, 2007.

12. Van Orsdel, Lee C. & Kathleen Born. Serial Wars: As open access gains ground, STM publishers change tactics, and librarians ask hard questions. Library Journal, 4/15/2007

13. Statistics Canada. Average hourly wages of employees by selected characteristics and profession, unadjusted data, by province (monthly). Viewed August 14, 2007.


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