The Future of Library Cooperation in Southeast Asia

Verzosa, Fe Angela M. The Future of Library Cooperation in Southeast Asia., 2004 . In Asian Library and Information Conference (ALIC) on Libraries, Bangkok (Thailand), 21-24 November 2004. (Unpublished) [Conference paper]

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English abstract

The promotion of library cooperation in the fields of documentation, bibliographic access, digitization, open access scholarly publishing and related activities would enhance today the networking and linkage capabilities among libraries in developing countries, particularly those in. the disadvantaged regions, such as in Southeast Asia. The strategic development of libraries in this region through collaboration, partnering schemes, and networking can create an information-rich environment, and wide opportunities to benefit from shared information resources. A major part of the success of any library cooperation will largely depend on how well cooperating members can exploit these networking opportunities and contribute to the development and growth of knowledge on a global scale. This paper, while reviewing and expanding on the above points, aims to reawaken the spirit of cooperation among libraries within the region by promoting the development of sustainable projects that are doable and mutually beneficial.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: library cooperation library consortia networking
Subjects: F. Management. > FA. Co-operation.
Depositing user: Fe Angela M. Verzosa
Date deposited: 07 Mar 2008
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:10


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