Bavarska državna biblioteka u Minhenu

Savić, Mirjana Bavarska državna biblioteka u Minhenu. Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2005, vol. 7, n. 1, pp. 191-209. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

This Paper represents the effort to describe entirely, although in short features, the foundation and life of the Bavarian State Library in Munich starting from its foundation in 1558. up to today. Founded by the Duke Albrecht Vas the Wittelsbach Court Library, it was opened to the public performing its function with some changeable luck. In the XIX Century according to its available Holdings of books and manuscripts, and its equipment, the Library was declared to be the second important Library in Europe, after the National Library in Paris. During the Second World War the Library suffered great damages, which were already recovered in the 1960s. Now, within the territory of Germany, the Library is standing right behind the Berlin Library, as for its huge Holdings and good organization.

Serbian abstract

Ovaj rad predstavlja nastojanje da se u celini, iako u najkraćim crtama prikaže nastanak i život Bavarske državne biblioteke u Minhenu, počev od njenog osnivanja 1558. godine pa sve do današnjih dana. Osnovana kao Dvorska biblioteka jednog kneza, ona je potom bila otvarana za javnost obavljajući svoju funkciju s promenljivom srećom. U 19. veku je po fondu knjiga i rukopisa kojima je raspolagala kao i po svojoj opremljenosti, bila proglašena za drugu biblioteku u Evropi, posle Nacionalne biblioteke u Parizu. Tokom Drugog svetskog rata ona je pretrpela velike štete koje je već šezdesetih godina prošlog veka uveliko nadoknadila, tako da se danas na teritoriji Nemačke, kako po svom fondu tako i po organizaciji, nalazi odmah posle Berlinske biblioteke.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Bavarska državna biblioteka, Minhen; The Bavarian state library, Munich
Subjects: D. Libraries as physical collections. > DB. National libraries.
Depositing user: Biljana Kosanovic
Date deposited: 12 Mar 2008
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:11


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