Projekat rešavanje problema smeštajnog kapaciteta magacina Narodne biblioteke Srbije

Injac, Vesna Projekat rešavanje problema smeštajnog kapaciteta magacina Narodne biblioteke Srbije. Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2005, vol. 7, n. 1, pp. 443-447. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

For many years now, the National Library of Serbia is dealing with the problem of storage capacity of its Holdings. As the additions to the stack-room are still representing an uncertain and long-lasting project Experts of the National Library of Serbia were forced to find a solution which will, in relatively short time, give more free space available within the stack-room. The expert working group has prepared the Project for solving this problem of storage capacity of Funds of the National Library of Serbia. At the meetings of the Expert-Scientific Council of the NLS, several decisions were made regarding the solving of this problem. This Paper gives the analysis of the current state and the overview of the project realization through several phases: 1. The verification of signature marks of the primary fund of monographic publications at the level one of the main stack-room; 2. The decision about the rectification of the current way of allotting the shelf-marks to the coherent application of the numerus currens storage system; 3. The decision about decreasing the number of needed publications copies within the Holdings; 4. The decision about automatic allotting of the call-numbers within the electronic catalogue of the National Library of Serbia; 5. The decision about the "compression" of the primary fund of monographic publications at the level one of the main stack-room; 6.The decision about borrowing publications to employees of the National Library of Serbia for internal purposes; 7 The decision about managing the topographic catalogue in the future; 8. The analysis of the reference fund at the third level of the stack-room. The experts evaluation is that after the realization of this Project and due to the "compression" of the fund, will be obtained about 30 % of free storage space. In addition to this Paper are given the "Rules for allotting call-numbers and the organization of the Fund of monographic publications within the National Library of Serbia", which were adopted at the Expert-Scientific Council of the NLS, in May 2005.

Serbian abstract

Narodna biblioteka Srbije je već niz godina suočena sa problemom smeštajnog kapaciteta magacina. Pošto dogradnja magacina i dalje predstavlja neizvestan i dugoročan projekat, stručnjaci Narodne biblioteke Srbije bili su primorani da pronađu rešenje kojim će u relativno kratkom roku dobiti slobodan prostor u magacinima. Stručna radna grupa pripremila je Projekat rešavanja problema smeštajnog kapaciteta magacina Narodne biblioteke Srbije. Na sastancima Stručno-naučnog veća doneto je niz odluka vezanih za rešavanje ovog problema. U tekstu su dati analiza aktuelnog stanja i pregled realizacije projekta kroz više faza: 1. Signaturna provera osnovnog fonda monografskih publikacija na nivou 1 (jedan) glavnog magacina; 2. Odluka o prelasku sa dosadašnjeg načina signiranja na doslednu primenu signiranja po numerus-u currens-u; 3. Odluka o smanjenju broj a potrebnih primeraka publikacij a u fondu; 4. Odluka o automatskom dodeljivanju signatura u elektronskom katalogu Narodne biblioteke Srbije; 5. Odluka o "zbijanju" osnovnog fonda monografskih publikacija na nivou 1 (jedan) glavnog magacina; 6.Odluka o izdavanju publikacija za interne potrebe zaposlenih u Narodnoj biblioteci Srbije; 7. Odluka o vođenju topografskog kataloga u budućnosti; 8. Analiza referensnog fonda na trećem nivou magacina. Procena stručnjaka jeste da će se po realizaciji ovog projekta i zahvaljujući "zbijanju" fonda dobiti oko 30% slobodnog magacinskog prostora. U prilogu tekstu data su "Pravila o signiranju i organizaciji fonda monografskih publikacija u Narodnoj biblioteci Srbije" koja su usvojena na Stručno-naučnom veću Narodne biblioteke Srbije u maju 2005. godine.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Projekat, smeštajni kapacitet, magacin, Narodna biblioteka Srbije; Project, storage capacity, stack-room, National library of Serbia
Subjects: D. Libraries as physical collections. > DB. National libraries.
Depositing user: Biljana Kosanovic
Date deposited: 12 Mar 2008
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:11


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