Telework in information and library environment : a literature review - BP 100

Prati, Anna Maria Telework in information and library environment : a literature review - BP 100., 2002 (Unpublished) [Report]

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English abstract

[Literature review for unit BP 100, academic year 2000/2001 of Master in Information Studies from University of Parma and University of Northumbria] Research devoted to the issue of telework has been increasingly growing since the 1980s producing lots of books, articles and Web documents. The study of this form of flexible work involves many disciplines and methodologies (sociology, psychology, management, economy, environmental and gender studies, ICTs, international labour law etc.) Every aspect is so relevant that it would deserve a specific study. The following literature review is intended to report only about research conducted about the most important aspects of telework, those which are likely to be relevant for library environment, leaving out other aspects however important (such as legal, contractual, union issues etc).

Item type: Report
Keywords: Telework in libraries, e-work, telecommuting
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology > LA. Telecommunications.
F. Management. > FE. Personnel management.
G. Industry, profession and education. > GD. Organizations.
G. Industry, profession and education. > GE. Staff.
Depositing user: Maria Cristina Bassi
Date deposited: 30 May 2008
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:11


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