Šapro-Ficović, Marica Knjižnica isusovaca u Dubrovniku : od Collegium Ragusinuma do današnje Rezidencije Družbe Isusove. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 2007, vol. 50, n. 3, pp. 16-30. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the history and the present state of the Jesuits Library in Dubrovnik, as well as to give some considerations about its further development. The outstanding historical importance of the Library is founded on its firm connections with the College of the Company of Jesus, once the most important educational and pedagogical institution of the Dubrovnik Republic. The paper deals with the complex circumstances related to the College foundation and the development since the arrival of the Jesuits in Dubrovnik in the 16th century. After the abolishment of the Jesuits order and the College in 1773, the library holdings were relocated to several places. Thus, we know that today a part of the collections is situated in the Science library and the Franciscan monastery Mala braća in Dubrovnik. The destiny of the rest of the rich library collections hasn’t been much explored so far and therby is rather unknown. However, the analyses of the print catalogues in the Library of the Jesuit Residence in Dubrovnik (1993), has shown that a considerable number of the library books had originated from the former library of the Jesuit College. The hypothesis that the present library of the Residence of the Company of Jesus in Dubrovnik is the real and legitimate “heiress” of the library of the Jesuit College is founded on this fact, as well as on the historical implications pointed out in this work. Further researches, which could possibly prove this hypothesis, should have strong impact on the future actions directed to the preservation and maintenance of the valuable national cultural heritage of this library, as stated in the paper conclusions.
Croatian abstract
Cilj je ovoga rada kritički istražiti povijest i sadašnje stanje te iznijeti određena razmišljanja vezana za budućnost isusovačke knjižnice u Dubrovniku. Knjižnica je iznimno važna zbog povijesne povezanosti s Kolegijem Družbe Isusove, nekad najvažnijom odgojno-obrazovnom ustanovom na tlu Dubrovačke Republike. U radu će se pokušati rasvijetliti složene okolnosti vezane uz postanak i razvoj Kolegija, počevši od dolaska isusovaca u Dubrovnik u 16. stoljeću, do ukinuća isusovačkog reda 1773. godine. Po ukinuću isusovačkog reda i Kolegija raspršen je fond nekad bogate knjižnice te se neki njegovi dijelovi danas nalaze u Znanstvenoj knjižnici i franjevačkom samostanu Male braće u Dubrovniku. Sudbina ostatka fonda slabo je istražena i još je uvijek prilično nepoznata. Analizom kataloga knjižnice Rezidencije Družbe Isusove (1993. godine) utvrđeno je, međutim, da znatan broj jedinica knjižne građe pripada bivšoj knjižnici Kolegija Družbe Isusove u Dubrovniku. Na ovoj činjenici kao i povijesnim implikacijama opisanim u ovom radu, utemeljena je pretpostavka o knjižnici Rezidencije Družbe Isusove u Dubrovniku danas kao stvarnoj i legitimnoj "nasljednici" knjižnice Kolegija Družbe Isusove. Daljnja istra živanja, kojima bi se eventualno potvrdila točnost ove teze, trebala bi pojačano utjecati na postupke zaštite i očuvanja vrijednoga nacionalnoga kulturno povijesnog naslijeđa, kako je istaknuto u zaključcima ove radnje.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | Isusovci, Dubrovnik, knjižnice, povijest knjižnica, povijest školstva, zbirke starih knjiga, Collegium Ragusinum, Rezidencija Družbe Isusove, Znanstvena knjižnica Dubrovnik, Samostan Male braće u Dubrovniku; Jesuits, Dubrovnik, libraries, library history, history of education, old books collections, Collegium Ragusinum, Residency of the Society of Jesus, Research library Dubrovnik, Monastery Mala braća in Dubrovnik |
Subjects: | D. Libraries as physical collections. > DH. Special libraries. |
Depositing user: | Damir Pavelic |
Date deposited: | 13 May 2008 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 12:11 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/10760/11541 |
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