Improved Cryptoanalysis of the Self-shrinking p-adic Cryptographic Generator

Stoyanov, Borislav Improved Cryptoanalysis of the Self-shrinking p-adic Cryptographic Generator., 2008 . In International Conference Information Research and Applications - i.TECH 2008, Varna, BULGARIA, 23 June - 03 July, 2008. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

The Self-shrinking p-adic cryptographic generator (SSPCG) is a fast software stream cipher. Improved cryptoanalysis of the SSPCG is introduced. This cryptoanalysis makes more precise the length of the period of the generator. The linear complexity and the cryptography resistance against most recently used attacks are invesigated. Then we discuss how such attacks can be avoided. The results show that the sequence generated by a SSPCG has a large period, large linear complexity and is stable against the cryptographic attacks. This gives the reason to consider the SSPSG as suitable for critical cryptographic applications in stream cipher encryption algorithms.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Cryptoanalys, FCSRs, Encryption Algorithm, Stream Cipher, Self-Shrinking p-adic Cryptographic Generator
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology > LH. Computer and network security.
Depositing user: Borislav Stoyanov
Date deposited: 28 Jun 2008
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:11


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