Scientific Output by Gender in Spain (Web of Science, 2004)

Moya-Anegón, Félix, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José, Antonio, González-Molina, Vicente, Guerrero-Bote, María del Rocío, Gómez-Crisóstomo and Grupo, Scimago Scientific Output by Gender in Spain (Web of Science, 2004)., 2007 . In 11th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, Madrid, 25-27 June 2007. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

The objective of this study was to obtain bibliometric indicators by gender applied exclusively to scientific publications registered in the Thompson Scientific databases. Aspects related with the volume of production, visibility, patterns of collaboration and networks of coauthorship will be analyzed below. The data are presented broken down by scientific field.

Spanish abstract

El objetivo es la obtención de indicadores bibliométricos por género aplicados exclusivamente a las publicaciones científicas recogidas en las bases de datos de Thomson Scientific. Se analizarán los aspectos relacionados con el volumen de producción, visibilidad, patrones de colaboración y redes de coautoría. Los datos se presentan desagregados por campos científicos.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Bibliometrics, Scientific Production, Gender, Spain, Grupo SCImago.
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BA. Use and impact of information.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BB. Bibliometric methods
Depositing user: Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez
Date deposited: 17 Aug 2008
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:12


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