Open access activities in Turkey and the Atatürk University Open Archive System

Polat, Coşkun, Odabaş, Hüseyin and Odabaş, Z. Yonca Open access activities in Turkey and the Atatürk University Open Archive System., 2008 . In Sofia 2008: Globalization and the Management of Information Recources, Sofia (Bulgaria), 12-14 November 2008. (In Press) [Conference paper]

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English abstract

Scholarly communication is a process that starts with the establishment of scientific publications and aims to spread them to the end users. In this process, the scientific periodicals are the main communication channels. For the last 20 years, the ever increasing cost of periodicals has caused subscription problems for libraries. Although the majority of the libraries spend higher and higher amounts from their budgets each year, they cannot withstand increasing journal costs and hence they reduce the number of journals subscribed. The technological developments seem to be a solution to the subscription cuts and lead novel methods for scientific publishing. Open Access (OA), which provides free access to scientific publications, is one of the leading models against the traditional publishing industry. The Open Access Initiative is having a tremendous impact upon the scientific communication process, which is largely based on publishing in scientific periodicals. It also interests researchers, university administrators, publishers, users and institutions providing information services. Institutional repositories (IR) are an essential unit of open access infrastructure. Institutional repositories can provide an immediate and valuable complement to the existing scholarly publishing model, while stimulating innovation in a new disaggregated publishing structure that will evolve and improve over time. “Atatürk University Open Archive System” (AUOAS) was formed as part of the open access project in Turkey and supported by the Scientific Research Funds of Atatürk University with an example of an open access institutional repository. AUOAS has been implemented to retrieve full-texts of articles, proceedings, reports, courseware, theses and dissertations through the Internet. In this article, firstly the reasons for the emergence of OA notion and its development stages will be explained from a historical perspective and the institutional OA archives will be introduced to reader briefly. Information will be provided about OA activities in Turkey and structure, operation and contents of Atatürk University Open Archive System.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: open access, open archives, open access in Turkey, Atatürk University Open Archive, scholarly communication
Subjects: H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HS. Repositories.
L. Information technology and library technology
Depositing user: Hüseyin Odabaş
Date deposited: 10 Jan 2009
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:13


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