Lenguaje natural e indización automatizada

Méndez, Eva and Moreiro González, José A. Lenguaje natural e indización automatizada. Ciencias de la Información, 1999, vol. 30, n. 3, pp. 11-24. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

This paper reflects a thughful study about the use of natural language in automatic indexing systmes, from Data Bases and the Digital Management of Documents to full-text indexing of scientific electronic publications indexed in the Web. It offers a theoric approach to automatic intexing, pointing out the role that natural language (no controled) has demonstrated throughout its evolution. It also shows the last trends of automatic indexing founded in knowledge bases. The research finishes including the analysis of main features of new software for full-text automatic indexing, extrancting rigourous conclusions when comparing automatic indexing versus human indexing and planning new challenges for the future research in this field when the full-text electronic information is exponential and indexing by humans is really expensive.

Spanish abstract

Se plantea una aproximación teórica a la indización automática, poniendo de relieve el papel que ha desempeñado el lenguaje natural, no controlado, en su evolución, señalando sobre todo las últimas tendencias en indización automatizada fundamentadas en bases de conocimiento.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Automatic indexing, Natural language, Information retrieval by natural language, Knowledge bases
Subjects: I. Information treatment for information services > ID. Knowledge representation.
I. Information treatment for information services > IC. Index languages, processes and schemes.
L. Information technology and library technology > LM. Automatic text retrieval.
L. Information technology and library technology > LL. Automated language processing.
Depositing user: Eva Méndez
Date deposited: 14 Jan 2009
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:13
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/12685


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