A Semantic Linking System for Canonical References to Electronic Corpora

Romanello, Matteo A Semantic Linking System for Canonical References to Electronic Corpora. Electronic corpora of ancient languages : proceedings of the international conference, Prague, November 16-17, 2007, 2007, pp. 107-120. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

In the field of ancient languages studies the references within primary and secondary sources play a very important role. During the transition of libraries to digital media it seems necessary to preserve the existing pattern of invisible links between primary and secondary sources produced by these references within printed texts, and to translate them into a system of links from and toward resources available over the web. The aim of this paper is to discuss the design and characteristic features of a Microformat vocabulary set which encodes references to Canonical Texts within web documents. The proposed solution provides a more powerful digital companion to printed text references and a semantic linking system for primary and secondary sources. Such a linking system has to be semantic, open-ended and language-neutral in order to allow developers to give scholars the mode powerful research tools they deserve.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: semantic linking, canonical references, electronic corpora, classical texts
Subjects: I. Information treatment for information services > IF. Information transfer: protocols, formats, techniques.
Depositing user: Romanello / MR Matteo
Date deposited: 28 May 2009
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:14
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/13118


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