Science as a System of Cyclic Process of Generation, Processing, Accumulation and Transfer of Scientific Information

Currás, Emilia Science as a System of Cyclic Process of Generation, Processing, Accumulation and Transfer of Scientific Information., 1987 [Report]


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English abstract

This is a historical moment in the evolutionary process of mankind. It is a moment of great changes, not only in ways of thinking and carrying our activities, but also in attitudes with respect to unceasing innovations. Before we have had time to understand and assimilate an invention of discovery, something new appears which, in turn, has to be understood and assimilated. This progress, the principal characteristic of which lies precisely in its rapid development, is much more noticeable in technology than in the humanities. Abstract ideas do not evolve as rapidly. In purely abstract matters related to philosophical thoughts, basically, we still maintain the principles of the eminent Greek thinkers, passed on to Western civilization by the Romans.

Item type: Report
Keywords: Information Systems, Transfer of Information, Scientific Information
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BA. Use and impact of information.
A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AB. Information theory and library theory.
Depositing user: Julio Alonso Arévalo
Date deposited: 28 May 2009
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:14


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