HILT: High-Level Thesaurus Project. Phase IV and Embedding Project Extension: Final Report

Nicholson, Dennis, McCulloch, Emma and Joseph, Anu HILT: High-Level Thesaurus Project. Phase IV and Embedding Project Extension: Final Report., 2009 [Report]

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English abstract

Ensuring that Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE) users of the JISC IE can find appropriate learning, research and information resources by subject search and browse in an environment where most national and institutional service providers – usually for very good local reasons - use different subject schemes to describe their resources is a major challenge facing the JISC domain (and, indeed, other domains beyond JISC). Encouraging the use of standard terminologies in some services (institutional repositories, for example) is a related challenge. Under the auspices of the HILT project, JISC has been investigating mechanisms to assist the community with this problem through a JISC Shared Infrastructure Service that would help optimise the value obtained from expenditure on content and services by facilitating subject-search-based resource sharing to benefit users in the learning and research communities. The project has been through a number of phases, with work from earlier phases reported, both in published work elsewhere, and in project reports (see the project website: http://hilt.cdlr.strath.ac.uk/). HILT Phase IV had two elements – the core project, whose focus was ‘to research, investigate and develop pilot solutions for problems pertaining to cross-searching multi-subject scheme information environments, as well as providing a variety of other terminological searching aids’, and a short extension to encompass the pilot embedding of routines to interact with HILT M2M services in the user interfaces of various information services serving the JISC community. Both elements contributed to the developments summarised in this report.

Item type: Report
Keywords: controlled vocabularies, HILT, interoperability, standard terminologies
Subjects: I. Information treatment for information services > IC. Index languages, processes and schemes.
L. Information technology and library technology > LM. Automatic text retrieval.
Depositing user: Elinor Toland
Date deposited: 15 Jan 2010
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:14
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/13186


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