La sostenibilità dei modelli di Open Access

Dubini, Paola and Giglia, Elena La sostenibilità dei modelli di Open Access. AIDAInformazioni : rivista di Scienze dell'informazione, 2008, vol. 26, n. 3-4, pp. 43-69. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

In this article we seek to assess the economic sustainability of Open Access models, that is to say to what extent these models are effective and durable competitors to traditional journals. The article highlights the conditions to be met for Open Access repositories to erode the competitive advantage of traditional journals, describes the need to quickly reach reputation and critical mass with an innovative editorial project and describes the virtuous circle leading to the success of Open Access models: editorial identity, and a rigid selection process lead to a solid reputation which, thanks to a higher accessibility to published content, becomes visible and attractive for researchers in their double role of authors and readers. The visibility and prestige acquired enhance the repository reputation, stimulate a growing number of submissions, leading to a more rigorous selection process, which in turn contributes to a strengthening of the reputation of the journal. The article highlights the need to compare traditional journals and Open Access models within the broader process of production, financing and diffusion of results of the scientific research.

Italian abstract

In questo articolo siamo interessate a valutare la sostenibilità economica dei modelli di Open Access, ossia in che misura tali sistemi rappresentino concorrenti validi e duraturi rispetto alle riviste tradizionali. L’articolo discute le condizioni che i modelli di Open Access devono rispettare per erodere il vantaggio competitivo delle riviste tradizionali, evidenzia la necessità di raggiungere velocemente massa critica e reputazione con un progetto editoriale innovativo e descrive il circolo virtuoso che porta al successo dei modelli di Open Access: identità editoriale e serietà nel processo di selezione consentono di costruire una solida reputazione all’archivio che, grazie alla migliore accessibilità dei contenuti pubblicati, diventa visibile e attrattivo per i ricercatori nella duplice veste di lettori e autori. La visibilità e la notorietà guadagnate sul campo portano riconoscimento all’archivio, stimolando un crescente numero di submission, il che determina un più rigoroso processo di selezione, che a sua volta contribuisce ad un rafforzamento della reputazione e della notorietà della rivista. L’articolo mette in evidenza inoltre la necessità di inquadrare il confronto fra riviste tradizionali e modelli di Open Access all’interno di una più ampia riflessione che coinvolge tutti gli attori coinvolti nel processo di produzione, finanziamento e diffusione dei risultati della ricerca scientifica

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Open Access – economic sustainability - scholarly communication – business models – scientific publishing - research evaluation – publication costs – research funding
Subjects: E. Publishing and legal issues. > EB. Printing, electronic publishing, broadcasting.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HS. Repositories.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HA. Periodicals, Newspapers.
Depositing user: Elena Giglia
Date deposited: 16 Jun 2009
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:14


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[9] Critici sull’Impact Factor: Per O. Seglen, Why the Impact Factor of journals should not be used for evaluating research, in «British Medical Journal», 1997, February 15; 314(7079), pp. 498-502 <>; Alessandro Figà Talamanca, L’Impact Factor nella valutazione della ricerca scientifica, IV Seminario Sistema Informativo Nazionale per la Matematica, Lecce ottobre 2000 <>; Jean Claude Guédon, Mixing and matching the green and the gold road – Take two, in «Serials review», March 2008, vol. 34, 1, pp. 41-51, <doi:10.1016/j.serrev.2007.12.008>. Dell’ideatore dell’Impact Factor, Eugene Garfield, cfr. Eugene Garfield, How ISI selects journals for coverage: quantitative and qualitative consideration, in «Current contents», 28 May 1990, 22, pp. 5-13, <>; Eugene Garfield, How can Impact Factor be improved?, in «British Medical Journal», 1996, 313, pp. 411-413, <>; Eugene Garfield, Dispelling a few common myths about Journal Citation impacts, in «The Scientist», 3 February 1997, 11 (3) p. 11, <>; Eugene Garfield, Journal Impact Factor: a brief review, in «Canadian Medical Association Journal», October 19, 1999, 161 (8) 979-980, <>.

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[14] Donald W. King, The cost of journal publishing: a literature review and commentary, in «Learned Publishing», April 2007, 20 pp. 85-106, <>; Roger Clarke, The cost profiles of alternative approaches to journal publishing, in «First Monday», 3 December 2007, vol. 12, n. 12, <>

[15] Carl Shapiro – Hal R. Varian, Information rules: a strategic guide to the network economy, Boston : Harvard Business School Press, 1999.

[16] Paul Peters, Economics of Open Access publishing, intervento per Online Information conference, London, November 2006, <>.

[17] Alma Swan – Sheridan Brown, JISC/OSI journal authors survey. Report, Truro: Key Perspectives, 2004, p. 4 <>, cfr. anche ARL – Association of Research Libraries, ARL Statistics, <>.

[18] Peter Suber, Open Access to the Scientific Journal Literature, in «Journal of Biology», 1, 1 (June 2002) pp. 3f. <>; Stevan Harnad, For whom the gate tolls, In: Digital Libraries: Policy Planning and Practice, a cura di Derek Law - Judith Andrews, Ashgate 2003 <> ; John Willinski, The nine flavours of Open Access scholarly publishing, in «Journal of Postgraduate Medicine», 2003, 49 (3), pp. 263-267, <>; Jean Claude Guédon, The green and gold roads to Open Access: the case of mixing and matching, in «Serials review» 30 (4), pp. 315-328, <>.

[19] David Hesmondhalgh, Cultural Industries, London: Sage, 2007.

[20] Roger Clarke, The cost profiles of alternative approaches to journal publishing, in «First Monday», 3 December 2007, vol. 12, n. 12, <>

[21] Stephanie E. Warlick, K.T.L. Vaughan, Factors influencing publication choice: why faculty choose Open Access, in «Biomedical Digital Libraires», 2007, 4, 1 <>

[22] Steve Lawrence, Online or invisibile? Free online availability substantially increases a paper’s impact, in «Nature», 2001, 411 (6837), p. 521, <>; Kristin Antelman, Do Open Access articles have greater research impact?, in «College and Research libraries», 2004, 65 (5) 372-382 < >.

[23] Chawki Hajjem – Stevan Harnad – Yves Gingras, Ten-year cross-disciplinary comparison of the growth of Open Access and how it increases research citation impact, «IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin», 2005, 28(4), pp. 39-47 <>; Gunter Eysenbach, Citation advantage of Open Access articles, in «PLoS Biology», 2006(4), 5, p. 157 <> ; Gunter Eysenbach, The Open Access advantage, in «Journal of Internet medical research», 2006; 8(2):e8 <>; Chawki Hajjem – Stevan Harnad, Citation Advantage For OA: Self-Archiving Is Independent of Journal Impact Factor, Article Age, and Number of Co-Authors, Technical Report, 2007 <>

[24] Thomas V. Perneger, Relation between online “hit counts” and subsequent citations: prospective study of research papers in the British Medical Journal, in «British Medical Journal» 2004 September 4, 329(7465), pp. 546-547 <>; Chawki Hajjem – Tim Brody – Leslie Carr - Yves Gingras, Stevan Harnad, Open Access to research increases citation impact, Technical report, Institut des sciences cognitives, Université du Quebec, Montreal, <>.

[25] Jonathan D. Wren, Open Access and openly accessible: a study of scientific publications shared via the Internet, British Medical Journal 2005 May 14, 330 (7500); 1128 <>; Stevan Harnad, Open Access citation advantage: quality advantage or quality bias?, Technical report, 2007 <>

[26] Alma Swan, Open Access and the progress of science, in «American Scientist», May-June 2007, 95, 3 <>; Stevan Harnad, OA impact advantage, 2005 <>; Michael Kurtz - Tim Brody, The impact loss to authors and research, in Open Access: key strategic, technical and economic aspects, a cura di Neil Jacobs, Oxford : Chandos 2006, pp. 45-54 <>; Marie E. McVeigh, Open Access Journals in the ISI citation database. Analysis of Impact Factors and citation patterns. A citation study from Thomson Scientific, October 2004 <>.

[27] Johan Bollen - Herbert Van de Sompel et al., Toward alternative metrics of journal impact: a comparison of download and citation data, in «Information Processing and management», December 2005, 41 (6), pp. 1419-1440, <>; Johan Bollen – Herbert Van De Sompel, Usage Impact Factor: the effect of sample characteristics on usage based metrics, in «Journal of the American Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)», 2008, 59(1), pp.136-149 <>.

[28] Johan Bollen – Herbert Van de Sompel – Marko A. Rodriguez, Towards Usage-based Impact metrics: first results from the MESUR project, in Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2008 (JCDL08), Pittsburgh Penn., June 2008 <>; Antonella De Robbio, Analisi citazionale e indicatori bibliometrici nel modello Open Access, in «Bollettino AIB» 2007 (3), pp. 257-288 <>.

[29] Mattew Cockerill, Business models in Open Access publishing, in Open Access: Key strategic, technical and economic aspects, a cura di Neil Jacobs. Oxford : Chandos, 2006, pp. 111-119, <>.

[30] Catriona J. MacCallum, ONE for All: The Next Step for PLoS, in «PLoS Biology», November 2006 4(11): e401 <doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0040401>.

[31] Peter Murray Rust, Open Data in Science, in «Serials Review», March 2008, 34 (1), pp. 52-64 <doi:10.1016/j.serrev.2008.01.001>; Richard Poynder, Peter Murray-Rust and the data-mining robots, in «Computer weekly», February 5, 2008 <>.

[32] Jean Gabriel Bankier – Irene Perciali, The Institutional Repository rediscovered: what can a University do for Open Access publishing?, in «Serials review», March 2008, 34 (1), pp. 21-26 <doi:10.1016/j.serrev.2007.12.003>

[33] Jean Claude Guédon, Mixing and matching the green and the gold road – Take two, in «Serials review», March 2008, 34 (1), pp. 41-51, <doi:10.1016/j.serrev.2007.12.008>; cfr. anche SCiELO, SCIentific Electronic Library Online <>.

[34] Herbert Van de Sompel et al., An interoperable fabric for scholarly value chain, in «D-Lib Magazine», October 2006, 12(10), <>; Carl Lagoze et al., Abstract Data Model and Implementation Basics, in Third International Conference on Open Repositories 2008, 1-4 April 2008, Southampton, United Kingdom <>; ORE specifications and user guide, 2 June 2008 <>.

[35] Cfr. rispettivamente,

[36] OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association), Bylaws of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, < >

[37] Paul Peters, Economics of Open Access publishing, intervento per Online Information conference London, November 2006, <>.

[38] Cfr. a titolo di esempio la pre-publication history di un articolo in «BMC Cancer» <> o la valutazione dei revisori in «Scholarly research exchange» di Hinadwi <>.

[39] Paul Peters, Three Open Access publishers on the challenges of sustainability, Interview III, by A. Swan, in 15th SPARC-ACRL Forum on emerging issues in scholarly communication, June 2007 <>; DK Sahu, Journals in the developing countries: regaining the lost impact, intervento a Berlin 5 Conference «Open Access from practice to impact: consequences of knowledge dissemination», Padova 19-21 Settembre 2007 <>; DK Sahu, Gaining impact, readers and authors through fee-less-free dissemination: an experiment with open access, in Brainstorming Meet on Open Access, FLOSS and Copyright Law for Scholarly Communication and Literary Work, 26 April 2008, New Delhi, India <>.

[40] Marie E. McVeigh – James K. Pringle, Open Access to the medical literature: how much content is available in published journals?, in «Serials», March 2005, 18 (1), pp. 45-50 <>. La stima del 3,5%, effettuata sulla base dei titoli Open Access presenti nella versione attuale di «Web of Science» e della percentuale indicizzata in «Journal of Citation Reports» è per cortesia di Marta Plebani di Thomson Reuters (6 giugno 2008). È in corso uno studio sull’argomento, di prossima pubblicazione.

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[42] Chris Armbruster, Access, usage and citation metrics: what function for digital libraries and repositories in research evaluation?, Social Science Research Network Working paper, (January 29, 2008), <>.

[43] Cfr. un interessante approccio di revisione dei ruoli dei diversi stakeholders secondo la Actor Network Theory (ANT): Mary Anne Kennan – Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, Reassembling scholarly publishing: institutional repositories, open access, and the process of change, in 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 5-7 December 2007, Toowoomba <>.

[44] David Prosser, Public policy and the politics of Open Access, in «LIBER Quarterly», 2007, 17 (2) <>.

[45] John Houghton – Peter Sheenhan, The economic impact of enhanced access to research findings, University of Melbourne Centre for Strategic economic Studies Working paper n. 23, July 2006 <>; Stevan Harnad, Publish or perish – self archive to flourish. The green route to Open Access, in «ERCIM news» n. 64, Jan 2006, <>.

[46] NIH – US National Institutes of Health, Public access policy, 2008 <>; Peter Suber, An Open Access mandate for the National Institute of Health, in «Open Medicine», April 16, 2008, 2 (2), pp. 14-16, <>

[47] European Commission, DG Research, Study on the economic and technical evolution of the scientific publication markets in Europe. Final report, 2006, a cura di M. Dewatripont et al., <>

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[50] Council of the European Union, Council conclusions on scientific information in the digital age: access, dissemination and preservation, Bruxelles, 23 November 2007 (Competitive Council meeting), <>

[51] ERC - European Research Council, Scientific Council guidelines on Open Access, 17 December 2007, <>

[52] European Commission, Guide to financial issues relating to FP7 - Indirect actions, Article II.16 of Grant Agreement, p. 54, paragraph “Dissemination”, <>

[53] Piero Attanasio, The impact of technology on European small and medium sized publishers, in «Information services and use» 2006, 26 (2), pp. 109-113.

[54] Robert Terry - Robert Kiley, Open Access to the research literature: a funder’s perspective, in Open Access: Key strategic, technical and economic aspects, a cura di Neil Jacobs, Oxford : Chandos 2006, pp.101-109, <>

[55] Alma Swan – Sheridan Brown, Open Access self archiving: an author study, Truro: Key Perspectives, 2005 <>

[56] Anna Dessimoni, Le pubblicazioni scientifiche ad accesso aperto. Il caso della ricerca biomedica italiana. Università commerciale «L. Bocconi»; Milano. Tesi magistrale A.A. 2006/2007.

[57] Tim Berners-Lee et al., Journal publishing and author self-archiving: Peaceful Co-Existence and Fruitful Collaboration, <>; Mattew Cockerill, Business models in Open Access publishing, in Open Access: Key strategic, technical and economic aspects, a cura di Neil Jacobs. Oxford : Chandos, 2006, pp. 111-119, <>.

[58] Fra i contributi più recenti, che forniscono anche una sintesi delle ricerche in materia cfr. Roger Clarke, The cost profiles of alternative approaches to journal publishing, in «First Monday», 3 December 2007, vol. 12, n. 12, <>; Donald W. King, The cost of journal publishing: a literature review and commentary, in «Learned Publishing», April 2007, 20 pp. 85-106 <>.

[59] RIN – UK Research Information Network, Activities, costs and funding flows in the scholarly communication system in the UK, Report, May 2008, <>

[60] Chris Armbruster, Moving out of Oldenburg’s long shadow: what is the future for society publishing?, in «Learned Publishing», October 2007, 20 (4), pp. 259-266 <>

[61] Chris Armbruster, A European model for the digital publishing of scientific information?, Social Science Research Network Working paper, 2008 <>

[62] Chris Armbruster, Moving out of Oldenburg’s long shadow: what is the future for society publishing?, in «Learned Publishing», October 2007, 20 (4), pp. 259-266 <>.

[63] Jonas Holmström, The cost per article reading of Open Access journals, in «D-Lib Magazine», January 2004, 10 (1) <>.

[64] Ian Rowlands – Dave Nicholas – Paul Huntington, Scholarly communication in the digital environment. What do authors want?, in «Learned Publishing» October 2004, 17 (4), pp. 261-273 <>.

[65] Andy Gass, Paying to free science: costs of publication as cost of research, in «Serials Review», 2005, 31 (2), pp. 103-106 <>.

[66] Bo-Christer Björk, Open Access to scientific publications: an analisis of the barriers to change, in «Information Research», January 2004, 9 (2), <>; William H. Walters, Institutional journal costs in an open access environment, in «Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)», January 2007, (58), 1, pp. 108-120. Peter Suber nella Newsletter di maggio 2008 ( suggerisce, fra le questioni aperte per possibili ricerche in Open Access, proprio di calcolare quanto graverebbe sul budget l’eventuale copertura dei costi di pubblicazione invece dei costi di abbonamento, rinviando a un suo precedente intervento nella Newsletter del giugno 2006 (

[67] Per le diverse sperimentazioni in atto, cfr. Lee C. Van Orsdel – Kathleen Born, Periodicals price survey 2008: embracing openness, in «Library Journal» April 15, 2008 <>; per un’analisi SWOT di tre modelli di business alternativi (BioMedCentral, PLoS, Medknow), cfr. Chen Chi Chang, Business models for open access journals publishing, in «Online Information Review», 2006, 30 (6), pp. 699-713.

[68] Per una tabella comparativa dei costi richiesti dai diversi editori, cfr. BioMedCentral, APC comparison table,

[69] Cfr. Max Planck Gesellschaft Press release February 4, 2008, <>

[70] SCOAP3 – Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics, Towards Open Access publishing in high energy physics – Executive Summary <>.

[71] Cfr. Science Commons – Open Access Law program <>; Michael W. Carroll, The movement for Open Access Law, in «Lewis & Clark Law Review», 2006, 10, pp. 741-760 <>.

[72] Cfr. rispettivamente;;;


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