Comenzando al revés: Necesidades-Servicios / Productos-Competencias

Sanabria B., Daniel Jorge Comenzando al revés: Necesidades-Servicios / Productos-Competencias., 2009 . In XV Foro Transfronterizo de Bibliotecas, Tijuana, BC (Mexico), 4-6 March 2009. (Unpublished) [Conference paper]

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English abstract

When it is spoken of the librarian's competitions and models and standards of formation and qualification are designed, usually it is lost of view that the same would have to tie, necessarily, to the origin of all the work in a information unit: The user's needs of information. These needs are responded by means of information resources (products) and the structuring of services, by means of which they are offered to the user. A particular challenge today receives the university libraries and the approach of this question goes to the same in this work.

Spanish abstract

Cuando se habla de las competencias de los bibliotecarios y se diseñan modelos y estándares de formación y capacitación, se suele perder de vista que las mismas deberían de vincularse, necesariamente, al origen de todo el trabajo en una unidad de información: Las necesidades de información de los usuarios de la misma. Dichas necesidades son respondidas mediante recursos de información (productos) y la estructuración de servicios, mediante los cuales son ofrecidos al usuario. Un desafío particular hoy lo reciben las bibliotecas universitarias y el enfoque de esta cuestión se dirige a las mismas en este trabajo.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Information needs, Information products, Information services, Librarian's competitions, University libraries
Subjects: G. Industry, profession and education. > GH. Education.
A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AZ. None of these, but in this section.
F. Management. > FE. Personnel management.
Depositing user: Daniel Sanabria
Date deposited: 12 Jan 2010
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:15

Available Versions of this Item


European Council of Information Associations (2004). Euroreferencial en información y documentación (Carlos Tejada Artigas, trad.) (2ª ed.). Madrid: SEDIC.

RUSA Task Force on Professional Competencies (2003). Professional Competencies for Reference and User Services Librarians. References and User Services Quarterly, 42(4), 290-295.

Simmonds, Patience L., Andaleeb, Syed Saad (2001). Usage of Academic Libraries: The Role of Service Quality, Resources, and User Characteristics. Library Trends, 49(4), 626-634.

Stacy-Bates, Kristine K., Fryer, Jan, Kushkowski, Jeffrey D., Shonrock, Diana E. (2003). Competencies for bibliographers: A process for writing a collection development competencies document. References and User Services Quarterly, 42(3), 235-241.


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