The Leopard’s Spots on the Move: School Libraries in Europe

Marquardt, Luisa The Leopard’s Spots on the Move: School Libraries in Europe., 2008 [Preprint]

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English abstract

This paper aims at giving a general and up-to-date overview of the situation of school libraries and school librarianship in Europe in 2008. It is mainly based both on existing literature, and on information personally gathered from (school) library organisations or associations representatives or, when not possible, through their websites. Some case histories, best practices and projects are reported, according to the IFLA/UNESCO school library elements and characters. The “leopard”, as a metaphor of the school libraries in Europe, is explained along the text. It also refers to a picture not as easy to be taken due to difficulties in defining Europe: apart being a geographical Continent, it may also consist in the countries currently forming the European Union (EU), which doesn’t however represent all European Countries. Note: The Report was commissioned by IFLA HQ and submitted on Aug.18th, 2008 to be included as a chapter in IFLA. Global Library and Information Science. A textbook for Students and Educators. Edited by Ismail Abdullahi. München: Saur, 2009. (IFLA Publications 136-137). It was incidentally omitted. An update version is currently under process and will be published in 2010. (LM, Jan. 31st, 2010).

Item type: Preprint
Keywords: school library, Europe, school librarianship
Subjects: D. Libraries as physical collections. > DE. School libraries.
Depositing user: Luisa Marquardt
Date deposited: 19 Feb 2010
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:16


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