Borić, Vesna Bibliometrijska analiza članaka Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu indeksiranih u Web of Science (1976.- 2005.) = Bibliometric Analysis of Articles from the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Indexed in Web of Science Database (1976-2005). Acta stomatologica Croatica, 2006, vol. 40, n. 3, pp. 218-235. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
This article represents bibliometric analysis of published articles with the address of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, indexed in Web of Science database in the period 1976-2005. The sample consisted of 428 articles that were analyzed according to the authors’ address, productivity markers (authors, institutions, year of publication, article type, language, journal) and citation. The analysis of the structure showed that the University of Zagreb affiliation was mentioned in 87.7% of the addresses, and School of Dental Medicine affiliation in 98.8% of the addresses, in 13 different ways. Most publications (82.5%) are scientific articles, 15.2% are congress abstracts, while reviews, short communications, letters, and book reviews and personal articles are present in less that 1%. The articles were published in 88 different journals, mostly in Coll Antropol (39.9%). According to the JCR database, the journals are from 31 different scientific areas. Although most of the publications (24) are from the field of Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine, the greatest number of articles is published in two journals from the field of Anthropology. There are 1866 authors of 428 articles, mostly with four authors (23.8%); greatest number of authors being eleven. Mean number of authors per article is 4.4. Collaboration inside the School yielded 45.1% of the articles; slightly more in collaboration with the authors form other Croatian institution (47.4%), and 6.1% in collaboration with foreign authors. The analysis showed that 41.1% of the articles has no citation; the most cited article has 54 citations, mean citation being 2.68 per article. Out of the ten most cited articles, two are published in collaboration with foreign authors, one is a result of collaboration inside the School, and six are result of collaboration with the scientists from the Institute Ruđer Bošković.
Croatian abstract
U radu je obavljena bibliometrijska analiza članaka objavljenih s adresom Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu indeksiranih u bazi podataka Web of Science (1976.-2005.). Uzorak čini 428 radova, a analizirane su adrese autora, pokazatelji produktivnosti (autori, ustanove, godina objavljivanja, vrsta rada, jezik rada, časopis u kojemu su objavljeni) i citiranost. Analiza strukture adresa pokazuje da je pripadnost Zagrebačkom sveučilištu navedena u 87,7% adresa, a Fakultetu u 98,8% adresa i to na 13 različitih načina. Najviše je radova (82,5%) kategorizirano kao znanstveni rad, 15,2% su kongresni sažeci, a pregledni radovi, kratka priopćenja, pisma, prikazi knjiga i radovi o osobi zastupljeni su manje od 1%. Analizirani radovi objavljeni su u 88 časopisa, a najviše u Coll. Antropol. (39,9%). Prema bazi podataka JCR, časopisi pripadaju 31 znanstvenom području. Iako najviše časopisa (24) pripada području Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine, najviše radova objavljeno je u dva časopisa iz područja “Anthropology”. U 428 objavljenih radova surađivalo je ukupno 1866 autora - najviše je četveroautorskih radova (23,8%), a najveći broj autora je jedanaest. Prosječan broj autora po članku je 4,4. Suradnjom unutar Fakulteta objavljeno je 45,1% radova, nešto više (47,4%) u suautorstvu s istraživačima iz drugih hrvatskih ustanova, a s inozemnim znanstvenicima 6,1%. Analiza citata pokazuje da 41,1% radova nema citata - najcitiraniji rad ima 54 citata, a prosjek je 2,68 citata po radu. Od deset najcitiranijih radova dva su objavljena s inozemnim suautorima, jedan u suradnji u sklopu Stomatološkog fakulteta, a šest u suautorstvu sa znanstvenicima IRB-a.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | bibliometrics, authorship, productivity, School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb |
Subjects: | A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. |
Depositing user: | Vesna Borić |
Date deposited: | 16 Jul 2010 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 12:16 |
URI: | |
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