Borić, Vesna Analiza citata radova objavljenih u časopisu Acta stomatologica Croatica zabilježenih u bazi podataka Web of Science = Citation Analysis of the Papers' Published in Acta Stomatologica Croatica using Web of Science Database. Acta stomatologica Croatica, 2008, vol. 42, n. 2, pp. 123-139. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
Bibliometric analysis of the journal Acta stomatologica Croatica (ASCRO) was made for the period of 1966-2006. Purpose: The research was to determine a degree of communicability of the journal, i.e. the influence of the papers published in the journal on the other papers and scientists. Material and Methods: Citation analysis was conduscted on a specimen acquired by browsing the Web of Science (WoS) databases and the data were processed by descriptive statistics. Results: The 185 papers with a total of 257 citations were singled out by a search. Each of the cited papers has an average of 1,4 citations. If we know that a total of 1.273 papers have been published in the journal, each paper has been cited 0,2 times in average. An analysis of the errors has shown that in 50,2 % of papers all the elements of the bibliographic record have been cited correctly and a total of 163 citation errors have been made. Most of the errors (65 %) are present in the title of the journal. The highest number of citations per paper is 5. The highest number of citations per year is 28, in the year 1991. The division of the citations by age of the paper shows that a maximum of 9,3 % citations has been accomplished in the 3rd year of publishing the paper, after which the number of citations has decreased. ASCRO has been cited in 65 journals, mostly (44,7 %) in Coll. Antropol. A total of 60,7 % self-citations has been registered and 21 % of the citations have been quoted by foreign authors only. Conclusions: It is finally possible to determine that we should not be content with the present level of influence of ASCRO to the domestic and foreign scientific community. The analysis shows a relatively modest total number of citations, a large number of self-citation and a small share of the foreign authors' citations which doesn't contribute to the communicability of the journal on the worldwide level. Excellence needs to be set as a general goal. In order to achieve that, the level of quality of all of its segments needs to be elevated in a complex process of publishing a scientific journal, especially excellence of published papers.
Croatian abstract
Bibliometrijska analiza časopisa Acta stomatologica Croatica (ASCRO) obavljena je za razdoblje od godine 1966. do 2006. Svrha: Istraživanjem se željelo utvrditi stupanj komunikabilnosti časopisa tj. utjecaj objavljenih radova na druge radove i znanstvenike. Materijali i metode: Na uzorku pribavljenom pretraživanjem baze podataka Web of Science (WoS) obavljena je citatna analiza, a podaci su obrađeni deskriptivnom statistikom. Rezultati: Pretraživanjem je izdvojeno 185 radova s ukupno 257 citata te je svaki od citiranih radova dobio prosječno 1,4 citata. Znamo li da su u časopisu objavljena ukupno 1.273 rada, svaki je citiran prosječno 0,2 puta. Analiza pogrešaka pokazala je da su kod 50,2% radova svi elementi bibliografskog opisa navedeni bez pogreške, a ukupno su zabilježene 163 pogreške u citiranju. Najviše pogrešaka (65%) bilo je u naslovu časopisa. Najveći broj citata po radu jest pet. Najviše citata po godini je 28 i to 1991. godine. Razdioba citata prema starosti rada pokazuje da je maksimum od 9,3% citata postignut u trećoj godini od objavljivanja rada, a zatim se njihov broj smanjuje. ASCRO je citiran u 65 časopisa, a najviše (44,7%) u Coll. Antropol. Ukupno je zabilježeno 60,7% samocitata, a 21% citata naveli su isključivo strani autori. Zaključak: Konačno je moguće istaknuti da ne bismo trebali biti zadovoljiti sadašnjom razinom utjecaja ASCRO-a na domaću i svjetsku znanstvenu zajednicu. Analiza pokazuje razmjerno skroman ukupan broj citata te velik broj samocitata i mali udjel citata stranih autora, što su pokazatelji slabe komunikacije stranih autora s radovima iz analiziranog časopisa. Kao opći zadatak mora se postaviti izvrsnost, a da se to postigne, treba ustrajno podizati razinu kvalitete svih segmenata u složenom procesu izdavanja znanstvenog časopisa, posebice vrsnoću objavljenih radova.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | periodicals as topic, bibliometrics, citation analysis, self-citations, časopisi, bibliometrija, citatna analiza, samocitiranje |
Subjects: | A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. |
Depositing user: | Vesna Borić |
Date deposited: | 16 Jul 2010 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 12:16 |
URI: | |
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