Bibliometric and Scientometric Studies in Physics and Engineering: Recent Ten Years Analysis

Kumara, Anil, Prakasan, E. R., Mohan, Lalit, Kademani, B. S. and Kumar, Vijai Bibliometric and Scientometric Studies in Physics and Engineering: Recent Ten Years Analysis., 2009 . In Putting Knowledge to Work: Best Practices in Librarianship, Mumbai (India), 1-2 May 2009. [Conference paper]


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This paper analyses the growth and development of Bibliometric and scientometric research in physics and engineering field as per INSPEC database (1999-2008). During 1999-2008 a total of 1677 papers were published in the field. The average number of publications published per year was 167.7 the highest number of papers 296 were published in 2006. Authorship and collaboration trend was towards multi-authored papers. There were 1100 collaborative papers. National Institute of Science, Technology & Development Studies, New Delhi (India), and College of Information Science & Technology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA (USA) were the highly contributed institutions with 23 publications each followed by Sch. of Comput. & Inf. Tech., Wolverhampton Univ. (UK) with 20 publications, University of Western (Fac. of Inf. & Media Studies), Ontario (Canada) with 19 publications, Office of Naval Res., Arlington (USA) with 17 publications and Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (Scientific Information Resource Div.), Mumbai (India) with 14 publications. The most prolific authors were: Thelwall-M (Univ. of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, UK) with 32 publications, Rousseau-R (Ind. Sci. & Technol., KHBO, Oostende, Belgium) with 29 publications, Egghe-L (Hasselt Univ., Diepenbeek, Belgium) with 25 publications. The most preferred journals by the Bibliometric and scientometric researchers were: Scientometrics with 291 publications, Journal-ofthe- American-Society-for-Information-Science with 149 publications, Journal-of-the-China-Societyfor-Scientific-and-Technical-Information with 55 publications and Information-Processing-and-Management with 52 publications. The high frequency keywords were: citation-analysis (265), bibliometrics (102), bibliometric-analysis (100), Internet (75), information-retrieval (69), informationscience (59).

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: bibliometrics, scientometrics, informetrics, cybermetrics, publication analysis, research trends, INSPEC, bibliographic analysis, information science, library services
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BB. Bibliometric methods
Depositing user: E.R. Prakasan
Date deposited: 09 Aug 2010
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:17


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