Subyek Artikel Dipesan dan Kesesuaiannya dengan Klaster Riset; The Article Subjects Ordered and The Suitability with determined research cluster

Maryono, X Subyek Artikel Dipesan dan Kesesuaiannya dengan Klaster Riset; The Article Subjects Ordered and The Suitability with determined research cluster. Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, 2010, vol. VI, n. 1, pp. 23-27. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The need of scientific information to support research activities in a university is unavoidably significant. The primary source to support that research is latest journals which most of them are now available online through online journals. Online reference services has been available at Gadjah Mada University for several years and this definitely requires work performance evaluation as well as the suitability with the research activity in the parent institution, which is Gadjah Mada University. To fulfill the needs of scientific articles which are suitable with the University mission, the University has determined the research development strategy to a different research cluster as a focus of excellent research activity. This study examines the work performance of online reference services and the suitability with determined research cluster.

Indonesian abstract

Kebutuhan informasi ilmiah untuk mendukung kegiatan riset dapat dipenuhi utamanya dari koleksi jurnal ilmiah yang lebih bersifat mutakhir dan kini tersedia secara online. Jasa layanan penelusuran informasi ilmiah berupa artikel jurnal telah terselenggara beberapa tahun, dan memerlukan evaluasi terhadap kinerja serta kesesuaiannya dengan kegiatan riset lembaga induk Universitas. Kebutuhan informasi artikel ilmiah tentu sesuai dengan kegiatan lembaga induknya, dalam hal ini Universitas telah menetapkan strategi pengembangan riset ke dalam beberapa klaster sebagai fokus kegiatan riset unggulan. Penelitian ini mengkaji kinerja jasa layanan penelusuran artikel dan kesesuaiannya dengan klaster riset yang telah ditetapkan.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: e-journal services, research cluster, research university, library services, information services, library statistics
Subjects: H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HN. e-journals.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BH. Information needs and information requirements analysis.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HA. Periodicals, Newspapers.
Depositing user: yon yono
Date deposited: 05 Nov 2010
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:17


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