User profiles: from a qualitative case study approach to providing a better service

Sequeiros, Paula . User profiles: from a qualitative case study approach to providing a better service., 2009 In: Qualitative and quantitative methods in libraries: Theory and applications: Proceedings of the international conference on QQML 2009. World Scientific Publishing, pp. 163-171. [Book chapter]

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English abstract

User profiles were designed through a qualitative approach to a case study of a public library, starting from an analysis of space social relations, of how the building’s design shaped reading practices and of how space was actually being used

Item type: Book chapter
Keywords: user profiles; case study; space relations; building, architecture, qualitative methodology; public libraries; Portugal
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information
C. Users, literacy and reading. > CB. User studies.
Depositing user: Ana Paula Sequeiros
Date deposited: 23 Dec 2010
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:18


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