Ética, Etiqueta & Cia.: rumos para o incentivo à leitura

Mey, Eliane-Serrão-Alves, Constantino, Luciana-Nazaré, Flores, Michelle, Silveira, Naira-Christofoletti, Pinheiro, Sonia-Maria, Lourenço-de-Camargo, Vinícius and Zafalon, Zaira-Regina Ética, Etiqueta & Cia.: rumos para o incentivo à leitura., 2008 UNSPECIFIED. [Other]

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English abstract

It presents some barriers traditionally found in libraries, as well as some caricatural librarian’s profile. At the same time, it suggests different activities and foci, obtained through experiments and observations, although it refers to a few bibliographic items. These suggestions have the objective of motivating the users’ reading. On the same way, it evaluates the professionals’ attitudes, related to their colleagues and users. It also encompasses ethical questions, that permeate the librarian’s posture, mode of speech, behaviour, and clothes. It identifies, in addition, applicable actions to resize the library’s spaces, to amplify the communication with the users, and to improve the collections’ use, through friendly signs. Likewise, it suggests some actions for reading improvement. It finishes by listing Brazilian public projects, which may help the libraries. The related proposals are characterized by their simplicity and practicability, which independ of government decisions. The librarian, alone, can perform changes in his(her) routine, and in that way, to benefit his (her) user’s readingIt presents some barriers traditionally found in libraries, as well as some caricatural librarian’s profile. At the same time, it suggests different activities and foci, obtained through experiments and observations, although it refers to a few bibliographic items. These suggestions have the objective of motivating the users’ reading. On the same way, it evaluates the professionals’ attitudes, related to their colleagues and users. It also encompasses ethical questions, that permeate the librarian’s posture, mode of speech, behaviour, and clothes. It identifies, in addition, applicable actions to resize the library’s spaces, to amplify the communication with the users, and to improve the collections’ use, through friendly signs. Likewise, it suggests some actions for reading improvement. It finishes by listing Brazilian public projects, which may help the libraries. The related proposals are characterized by their simplicity and practicability, which independ of government decisions. The librarian, alone, can perform changes in his(her) routine, and in that way, to benefit his (her) user’s reading.

Portuguese abstract

Apresenta algumas barreiras tradicionalmente encontradas nas bibliotecas, assim como posturas caricaturadas dos bibliotecários. Ao mesmo tempo, sugere diversas ações e enfoques, obtidos através de experiências e observações, embora se reporte a algumas indicações bibliográficas. Tais sugestões visam incentivar a leitura dos usuários. Igualmente, avalia as atitudes do profissional em relação a seus colegas de trabalho e a seus usuários. Abarca, ainda, questões éticas que permeiam a postura, o linguajar, o comportamento e os trajes do bibliotecário. Do mesmo modo, identifica ações aplicáveis para redimensionar os espaços na biblioteca, ampliar a comunicação com os usuários, melhorar o uso do acervo, por meio de sinalizações mais amigáveis. Posteriormente, sugere ações para promoção do incentivo à leitura. Ao final, arrola os projetos públicos que podem servir de auxílio às bibliotecas. As sugestões relatadas se caracterizam por sua simplicidade e praticidade, que independem de decisões governamentais. Cabe, apenas, ao bibliotecário realizar mudanças em sua rotina, de maneira que beneficiem a leitura de seus usuários.

Item type: Other
Keywords: Incentivo à leitura. Bibliotecas. Bibliotecários. Reading incentive. Libraries. Librarians.
Subjects: C. Users, literacy and reading. > CD. User training, promotion, activities, education.
Depositing user: Zaira Regina Zafalon
Date deposited: 19 Jan 2011
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:18
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/15278


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