Information access needs of satellite campuses in Kenya - Can OER close the gap? The Case of Moi University Nairobi Campus

Gakindi, Monica Jr Information access needs of satellite campuses in Kenya - Can OER close the gap? The Case of Moi University Nairobi Campus., 2010 Masters thesis, Tallinn University (Estonia). [Thesis]

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English abstract

This case study was aimed at obtaining the experiences of faculty and students of Moi University, Nairobi Campus in accessing information resources for teaching, learning and research. The study examined background information regarding knowledge societies and the role of higher education in society. This was done with a view to exploring the potential of Open Educational Resources in enhancing access to teaching, learning and research information resources at the campus. The literature review focused on the concept of Open Educational Resources (OER) and provided a critical examination of access to knowledge and learning materials in higher education. Evidently, little empirical studies have been conducted in Africa concerning OER. The Communities of Practice theory was adopted to inform the study with regard to learning experiences and their realization in communities. Online questionnaires and interviews were the principle data collection instruments. These were administered upon faculty, students and the librarian of Moi University, Nairobi campus. Furthermore, data was also gathered through interviews with OER experts from North America, Europe, and Africa. These experts provided vital information on the potential of OER in enhancing access to teaching, learning and research information resources to institutions such as the case for this study. The findings of the study revealed that the concept of OER was not clearly understood by the respondents and interviewees from the case institution. Respondents confused the concept of OER with other concepts like e-learning. Nevertheless, they signaled appreciation for access to open resources. In addition, it was evident that the faculty and students of this institution had insufficient access to resources. The library was not sufficiently stocked with information materials and facilities to cater for the growing population of the campus. The study recommends the adoption of more open educational practices through the creation of electronic institutional repositories that are open and searchable. Furthermore, the study suggests greater collaboration and sharing of resources and teaching practices among faculty within the campus and beyond. To achieve this, both faculty and students require information literacy skills. Finally, the study recommends that the librarians and information professionals be more proactive in identifying and bringing awareness to clients about available and relevant open resources.

Item type: Thesis (UNSPECIFIED)
Keywords: Open Educational Resources, Kenya, access to learning materials, higher education.
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BG. Information dissemination and diffusion.
G. Industry, profession and education. > GH. Education.
Depositing user: Monica Gakindi
Date deposited: 20 Feb 2011
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:18


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