Weblog publishing behaviour of librarianship and information science students: a case study

Tramullas, Jesús and Garrido, Piedad Weblog publishing behaviour of librarianship and information science students: a case study. Information Research, 2011, vol. 16, n. 1. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]

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English abstract

Introduction. The 'blogosphere' is a space with digital information in which social networks form that offer countless application possibilities. In this technology-mediated context, it is feasible to study the performance and approaches of production, diffusion, relationship and use of information from different perspectives. Method. Quantitative data were obtained through the regular examination of the blogs maintained by students and qualitative data were obtained from reports by the students and self-assessment questionnaires. Analysis. Simple counts of quantitative data were obtained, without further statistical analysis. The qualitative data were reviewed for insights into the motivations of students. Results. Given a free choice, most students adopted the Blogger platform for their blogs. Most blogs consisted of content reported from elsewhere and were not continued by the students following the end of the exercise. Conclusions. Students adopted an instrumental approach to the exercise, doing enough to complete the course requirements but not being sufficiently engaged to continue their blogs. Preliminary work based on basic competences is necessary in both collaboration processes and Web 2.0 technology to obtain satisfactory results in the use of Weblogs as teaching and learning tools.

Item type: Journal article (Unpaginated)
Keywords: Information behavior, User's studies, Comportamiento, Estudiantes, Estudio de usuarios, Blogs
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BA. Use and impact of information.
C. Users, literacy and reading.
G. Industry, profession and education.
Depositing user: Dr. Jesús Tramullas
Date deposited: 17 Mar 2011
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:18
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/15433


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