Looking for leadership: Creating leadership in the Binghamton University Libraries

Maximiek, Sarah Looking for leadership: Creating leadership in the Binghamton University Libraries., 2010 Masters capstone project thesis, Binghamton University, College of Community and Public Affairs. [Thesis]

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English abstract

Binghamton University Libraries has had a challenging decade, facing both a declining number of staff and a stagnant budget, which has made replacing the lost staff difficult. One of the larger issues that has arisen is finding internal candidates to fill management positions in the Libraries as employees retire. This project set out to answer two questions: • Why are current employees not willing to move into leadership positions • What steps can be taken by the B.U. Libraries to overcome reluctance to serve in these positions? In order to answer these questions, a review of literature in job satisfaction, and leadership and organizational change was completed. The Binghamton University Library staff was surveyed, and the results were analyzed with descriptive, thematic and cross-tabular analysis. What was discovered is that there is an interest in leadership in the Binghamton University Libraries, but much of the opportunity and focus is given to newer staff; and many staff were not even aware such opportunities were available to them.

Item type: Thesis (UNSPECIFIED)
Keywords: leadership development, leadership theory, library management
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AC. Relationship of LIS with other fields .
Depositing user: null null
Date deposited: 11 Apr 2011
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:18
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/15526


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