Tresna linguistikoak informazioa atzitzeko

Agirre, Eneko and Alegria, Iñaki . Tresna linguistikoak informazioa atzitzeko., 2009 In: Dokumentazio zerbitzuak Euskal Herriko komunikabideetan = Los servicios de documentación en los medios de comunicación del País Vasco. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea = Universidad del País Vasco, pp. 101-112. [Book chapter]

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English abstract

Language tools for capturing information. The volume of information contained in the digital newspaper libraries has increased considerably over the last few years. Consequently, searches have become more difficult due, among other things, to multilingualism, as the user must often search among documents in various languages. Language tools make life more convenient and precise although their use is not very widespread. In this article, the authors explain search technology and, more specifically, the contribution made by language tools. After analysing the problems surrounding searches, they provide us with information regarding searches in digital newspaper libraries. Finally, they explain what contributions language tools can make, as well as other applications that can be found on the market.

Basque abstract

Hemeroteka digitalen informazio-bolumena izugarri hazi da azken urteetan. Ondorioz, bilaketak zaildu egin dira, besteak beste eleaniztasunagatik, erabiltzaileak askotan dokumentu eleanitzen artean bilatu behar duelako. Tresna linguistikoek laguntzen dute informazioaren atzipen erosoago eta zehatzagoa lortzeko, baina beraien erabilera ez dago guztiz zabaldua. Bilaketa-teknologia, eta bereziki tresna linguistikoek egiten duten ekarpena azalduko dute egileek artikulu honetan. Bilaketaren inguruko problematika aztertu ondoren, hemeroteka digitalen gaineko bilaketez arituko dira. Horrez gain, tresna linguistikoek egin dezaketen ekarpena eta merkatuan dauden hainbeste aplikazio azalduko dituzte.

Item type: Book chapter
Keywords: Recuperación de información, Herramientas lingüísticas, Multilingüismo, Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, Information retrieval, Natural language processing, Lingusitics, Multilingualism.
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology > LL. Automated language processing.
Depositing user: Teresa Agirreazaldegi
Date deposited: 10 Jun 2011
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:19


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