Euskarazko tokiko hedabideen balio dokumentalaz

Rojas, Joxe . Euskarazko tokiko hedabideen balio dokumentalaz., 2009 In: Dokumentazio zerbitzuak Euskal Herriko komunikabideetan = Los servicios de documentación en los medios de comunicación del País Vasco. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea = Universidad del País Vasco, pp. 261-266. [Book chapter]

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English abstract

The documentary value of the local media in the Basque language. A description is given of the situation of the local media which form part of the Federation of Basque Associations, Topagunea. Over the last few years, these media have forged a base of great documentary, historical and sociolinguistic value, which risks disappearance if it fails to receive the appropriate documentary treatment. However, this is a large-scale job which is beyond the scope of this type of small-scale media.

Basque abstract

Topagunea Euskara Elkarteen Federazioaren bazkide diren euskarazko tokiko hedabideen egoeraren berri ematen du egileak ondorengo lerroetan. Azken urteotan balio dokumental, historiko eta soziolinguistiko handiko fondoa sortu dute hedabide horiek, tratamendu dokumental egokia jaso ezean galtzeko arriskua duena. Tratamendu horren nondik norakoak, hala ere, euren irismenetik kanpo geratzen dira, lan handiegia baita eremu urriko hedabideentzat.

Item type: Book chapter
Keywords: Medios de comunicación local, Euskera, Documentación periodística, Conservación, Preservación, País Vasco, Pays Basque, Local media, basque, journalistic documentation, Conservation, Preservation.
Subjects: E. Publishing and legal issues. > EA. Mass media.
Depositing user: Teresa Agirreazaldegi
Date deposited: 13 Jun 2011
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:19


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