Selected methodological issues in creating the Information Literacy development strategies

Cisek, Sabina and Próchnicka, Maria Selected methodological issues in creating the Information Literacy development strategies., 2011 . In 3rd QQML - International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Athens (Greece), 25-27 May 2011. (Unpublished) [Conference paper]

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English abstract

Information Literacy (IL) is a key competence enabling individuals (human beings) to participate efficiently in the knowledge society, and constitutes the basis for effective learning and successful professional development. The information literate society essentially determines the development of regions and local communities, and contributes to the welfare of nations. Consequently, Information Literacy has to be a matter of an organized, planned and rational action on the European and national levels. The governments and other authorities need to formulate and apply informed IL development strategies to ensure acquisition and progress of information competences throughout people’s lifetime. But, at the moment, there is no established or commonly agreed-on methodology for working out the Information Literacy strategies, nor are there ready tools or techniques to be used for that purpose. In this paper the selected research results of the EMPATIC project, connected with formulating strategies or strategic models for Information Literacy development, are described, with focus on the methodological aspects. When creating such a strategy its two main dimensions have to be considered, that is its formal structure, e.g. components, frame, length, appendices, and its subject content related to – inter alia – the level and context of Information Literacy, formal and informal learning environments, implications for teaching. During the designing process the crucial elements of strategic modeling: 1. context (meaning and dimensions of IL, role in the civic/knowledge society), 2. mission (mainstreaming of information literacy at the national and EU level), 3. vision (information literate citizens, business, government, society), 4. goals (raising society-wide IL awareness, institutionalization of IL, integrating IL in curricula in all levels and sectors of education system in Europe), 5. actions, 6. standards and performance indicators, and 7. stakeholders have to be taken into account. The analysis of 87 projects in the Information Literacy area from years 1994-2010, supported in most cases by the European Union, has been conducted. They are divided across four learning sectors (schools, higher education, vocational training and adult education). The findings of the investigation − the 20 most illustrative cases − are used as the basis for developing generic strategic models for Information Literacy as well as defining its implications for training of teachers, IL standards and associated performance indicators.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: information literacy
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information
B. Information use and sociology of information > BC. Information in society.
C. Users, literacy and reading. > CD. User training, promotion, activities, education.
Depositing user: Sabina Cisek
Date deposited: 14 Jun 2011
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:19


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