Other Duties As Assigned: Emerging Trends In the Academic Library Job Market

Beile, Penny and Adams, Megan Other Duties As Assigned: Emerging Trends In the Academic Library Job Market. C&RL, 2000, vol. 61, pp. 336-347. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Examines 900 job announcements published in four journals in 1996 and uses content analysis to compare requirements and benefits among various positions in academic libraries. Compares results with an earlier study from 1988, including levels of computer skills, foreign language requirements, previous work experience, educational requirements, and minimum salary offered. (Contains 48 references.)

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: job trends, academic libraries
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AA. Library and information science as a field.
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DD. Academic libraries.
G. Industry, profession and education. > GE. Staff.
Depositing user: Penny Beile
Date deposited: 03 Jul 2011
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:19
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/15857


1. David W. Reser and Anita P. Schuneman, "The Academic Library Job Market: A

Content Analysis Comparing Public and Technical Services," College & Research

Libraries 53 (Jan. 1992): 49-59.

2. Kenneth Furuta, "The Impact of Automation on Professional Catalogers,"

Information Technology and Libraries 9 (Sept. 1990): 242-52.

3. Michael Towsey, "Nice Work If You Can Get It? A Study of Patterns and Trends

in Cataloguing Employment in the USA and the UK in the Mid-1990s," Cataloging

and Classification Quarterly 24, nos. 1-2 (1997): 61-79.

4. Ann W. Copeland, "The Demand for Serials Catalogers: An Analysis of Job

Advertisements, 1980-1995," Serials Librarian 32, nos. 1-2 (1997): 27-37;

Carolyn J. Mueller and Margaret V. Mering, "Serials Positions in U.S. Academic

Libraries, 1980-1988: A Survey of Position Announcements," Library Resources and

Technical Services 35 (Oct. 1991): 416-21; William C. Robinson, "Academic

Library Collection Development and Management Positions: Announcements in

College & Research Libraries News from 1980 through 1991," Library Resources and

Technical Services 37 (Apr. 1993): 134-46.

5. John M. Budd, "Salaries of Automation Librarians: Positions and

Requirements," Journal of Library Administration 13, nos. 1-2 (1990): 21-29;

Margaret Foote, "The Systems Librarian in U.S. Academic Libraries: A Survey of

Announcements from College & Research Libraries News, 1990-1994," College &

Research Libraries 58 (Nov. 1997): 517-26.

6. Yuan Zhou, "Analysis of Trends in Demand for Computer-Related Skills for

Academic Librarians from 1974 to 1994," College & Research Libraries 57 (May

1996): 259-72.

7. Hong Xu, "The Impact of Automation on Job Requirements and Qualifications for

Catalogers and Reference Librarians in Academic Libraries," Library Resources

and Technical Services 40 (Jan. 1996): 9-31.

8. Mary Baier Wells, "Requirements and Benefits for Academic Librarians:

1959-1979," College & Research Libraries 43 (Nov. 1982): 450-58.

9. Ronald Rayman, "Employment Opportunities for Academic Librarians in the

1970s: An Analysis of the Past Decade," College & Research Libraries 42 (May

1981): 229-34.

10. Reser and Schuneman, "The Academic Library Job Market."

11. Ibid., 50.

12. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook

Handbook, 1996/97 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1997); Rayman,

"Employment Opportunities for Academic Librarians in the 1970s," 233.

13. Stanley J. Wilder, The Age Demographics of Academic Librarians: A Profession

Apart (Washington, D.C.: ARL, 1995). This report is based on data from the ARL

Annual Salary Survey.

14. Reser and Schuneman, "The Academic Library Job Market," 50.

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid., 51.

17. Ibid.

18. American Library Association, Office for Research and Office for Library

Personnel Resources, ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries 1995 (Chicago: ALA, 1995).

19. Reser and Schuneman, "The Academic Library Job Market," 51. Reser and

Schuneman reported that 46 percent of technical services position advertisements

had some type of administrative duties.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid., 52.

22. Furuta, "The Impact of Automation on Professional Catalogers," 250.

23. Towsey, "Nice Work If You Can Get It?" 70.

24. Reser and Schuneman, "The Academic Library Job Market," 62.

25. Ibid., 53.

26. Ibid., 54.

27. Wells, "Requirements and Benefits for Academic Librarians," 453; Holly

Williams, "Required and Preferred Qualifications in Entry-Level Library Position

Announcements," Mississippi Libraries 61 (winter 1997): 89-91; Joyce C. Wright,

"Job Opportunities for Academic and Public Librarians: 1980-1984," Journal of

Library Administration 9, no. 2 (1988): 45-58.

28. Reser and Schuneman, "The Academic Library Job Market," 54.

29. Ibid.

30. Ibid., 55.

31. Ibid., 56.

32. For example, Wells, "Requirements and Benefits for Academic Librarians,"

453; Wilder, The Age Demographics of Academic Librarians, viii; Xu, "The Impact

of Automation on Job Requirements," 242.

33. Wilder, The Age Demographics of Academic Librarians, x.

34. For example, Furuta, "The Impact of Automation on Professional Catalogers,"

242; Peter Spyers-Duran, "The Effects of Automation on Organizational Change,

Staffing, and Human Relations in Catalog Departments," in Requiem for the Card

Catalog: Management Issues in Automated Cataloging, ed. Daniel Gore, Joseph

Kimbrough, and Peter Spyers-Duran (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1979), 29-39; Xu,

"The Impact of Automation on Job Requirements," 11.

35. Ellen Gay Detlefson, "Specialists as Professionals in Research Libraries: An

Overview of Trends and an Analysis of Job Announcements," Library Trends 41

(fall 1992): 187-97; Furuta, "The Impact of Automation on Professional

Catalogers," 251.

36. Wells, "Requirements and Benefits for Academic Librarians," 453.

37. Reser and Schuneman, "The Academic Library Job Market," 51.

38. Robinson, "Academic Library Collection Development and Management

Positions," 137.

39. Copeland, "The Demand for Serials Catalogers," 33; Mueller and Mering,

"Serials Positions in U.S. Academic Libraries," 419.

40. Reser and Schuneman, "The Academic Library Job Market," 52. Reser and

Schuneman reported that 70.6 percent of ads required or preferred computer


41. Zhou, "Analysis of Trends in Demand for Computer-Related Skills," 262.

42. Xu, "The Impact of Automation on Job Requirements," 23.

43. Phyllis J. Hudson, "Recruitment for Academic Librarianship," in Librarians

for the New Millennium, ed. William E. Moen and Kathleen M. Hein (Chicago: ALA,

1988), 72-82.

44. Budd, "Salaries of Automation Librarians," 25; Foote, "The Systems Librarian

in U.S. Academic Libraries," 522.

45. Felix Tse-Hsiu Chu, "Evaluating the Skills of the Systems Librarian,"

Journal of Library Administration 12, no. 1 (1990): 91-102; Detlefson,

"Specialists as Professionals in Research Libraries," 195-196; Foote, "The

Systems Librarian in U.S. Academic Libraries," 525.

46. Foote, "The Systems Librarian in U.S. Academic Libraries."

47. Susan Baerg Epstein, "Administrators of Automated Systems," Library Journal

116 (Mar. 15, 1991): 66-67.

48. Detlefson, "Specialists as Professionals in Research Libraries," 196; Susan

K. Martin, "The Role of the Systems Librarian," Journal of Library

Administration 9, no. 4 (1988): 57-68.


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