Informazio kudeaketa, sindikazioaren eta tresna folksonomikoen bidez

Julio, Gorka . Informazio kudeaketa, sindikazioaren eta tresna folksonomikoen bidez., 2010 In: Dokumentazioa eta eduki digitalen kudeaketa = Documentación y gestión de los contenidos digitales. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea = Universidad del País Vasco, pp. 183-185. [Book chapter]

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English abstract

Information management through syndication and folksonomy tools. The companies, associations and groups of today have to use innovative information management techniques. Syndication has been useful for some time, but its use did not spread until the explosion of blogs. This area has now been addressed and most websites currently have the option to syndicate, allowing us to subscribe to a huge number of different information sources, so that we are constantly kept up-to-date. In addition, it is increasingly important to correctly manage information, to be aware of events around us, in our company or group, to know what is being said about society, receive warnings, etc. and all of this is possible using these tools; which also afford us the possibility of exchanging information with both public and private groups; as well as disseminating contents outside our areas, since thanks to these standard formats, and with minimum effort, we have the option to place this content in multiple locations.

Basque abstract

Sindikazioa aspalditik erabilgarri bazegoen ere, ez da blogen eztanda iritsi arte hedatu. Orain esparru hori erabat gainditu du, eta Interneteko leku gehienetan aurkitzen dugu sindikatzeko aukera. Horrek informazio iturri ugaritan harpidetzeko aukera ematen digu, betiere informatuak egon gaitezen. Gero eta garrantzitsuagoa da informazioaren kudeaketa egokia egitea. Gure esparruko berriak ezagutu, gure enpresa, talde, elkarteari buruz esaten dena ezagutu, alertak jaso, etab. egin daiteke tresna hauen bidez. Informazioa jasotzeaz gain, informazio hori besteekin (talde publiko zein pribatuekin) era parte-hartzaile batean trukatzeko aukera handiak ematen ditu. Gure edukiak gure esparrutik kanpo zabaltzeko aukera ere ematen dute jarioek. Horien formatu estandarrari esker, edukia mila lekutan jartzeko aukera ematen dute esfortzu minimo bat eginez. Gaur egun, enpresa, elkarte edo taldeek sindikazioan oinarritutako informazio kudeaketa berritzailea egiteko beharra dute.

Item type: Book chapter
Keywords: RSS jarioak, Sindikazioa, Syndication of contents, RSS, Internet, Sindicación de contenidos.
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology > LC. Internet, including WWW.
Depositing user: Teresa Agirreazaldegi
Date deposited: 15 Jul 2011
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:19


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