Kanič, Ivan Bibliometrija - Terminološki pogled. Knjižnica : Revija za Področje Bibliotekarstva in Informacijske Znanosti, 2011, vol. 55, n. 2-3, pp. 241-256. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
Purpose: The term bibliometrics (slv. bibliometrija) and the related derived and compound terms have emerged frequently in Slovenian scientific and technical texts in the last decade only. Considerable inconsistency in the usage of these terms and their synonyms is evident. Methodology/approach: Excerption of these texts has shown different patterns of usage, thus the aim of the paper is to analyse it and compare the frequency of occurence of individual terms in various authorative sources. Results: Taking into consideration the usage of the chosen terms in scientific and technical texts, general text corpus of Slovenian texts, authorative and informative dictionaries the Commision on Library Terminology has given priority to the terms (slv.) bibliometrija and (slv.) bibliometričen, subordinating the use of the synonyms (slv.) bibliometrika and (slv.) bibliometrijski. Research limitation: There is a relatively small sample of Slovenian scientific texts available containing the terms dealt with in this paper, and the two general text corpora have included only a limited number of relevant texts. As a rule, the authorative dictionaries and linguistic manuals do not include the terms studied. Future research in this field will be enabled and facilitated by a specialized text corpus of Slovenian LIS texts. Originality/practical implications: The first research of the kind to codify the Slovenian library terminology aiming at a chosen subject field.
Slovenian abstract
Namen: Termin bibliometrija in z njim povezane izpeljanke in sestavljeni termini se v slovenskih znanstvenih in strokovnih besedilih pogosteje pojavljajo šele v zadnjem desetletju, ob tem pa je opaziti precej nedoslednosti glede rabe posameznih terminov in njihovih sopomenk. Metodologija/pristop: Prispevek analizira termine, pridobljene z izpisovanjem strokovnih in znanstvenih besedil, in jih primerja glede na pogostost pojavljanja v različnih normativnih virih. Rezultati: Bibliotekarska terminološka komisija se je glede na dosedanjo rabo v strokovnih besedilih, splošnem besedilnem korpusu ter normativnih in informativnih slovarjih ter primerjavo med njimi odločila dati prednost terminoma bibliometrija in bibliometričen ter podrediti sopomenki bibliometrika in bibliometrijski. Omejitve raziskave: Na razpolago je relativno majhen vzorec slovenskih strokovnih in znanstvenih besedil, ki vsebujejo preučevane termine, in tudi razpoložljiva splošna besedilna korpusa zajemata majhno število relevantnih besedil, večina splošnih normativnih slovarjev in jezikovnih priročnikov pa preučevanih terminov sploh ne obravnava. Nadaljne raziskave na tem področju bo zato omogočal specializirani besedilni korpus slovenskih bibliotekarskih besedil, ki je v pripravi. Izvirnost/uporabnost raziskave: To je prva tovrstna raziskava s ciljem kodificiranja slovenske bibliotekarske terminologije na izbranem strokovnem področju.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | library terminology, bibliometrics, synonyms, terminological dictionary |
Subjects: | A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AC. Relationship of LIS with other fields . I. Information treatment for information services > IC. Index languages, processes and schemes. |
Depositing user: | Mr Ivan Kanič |
Date deposited: | 13 Mar 2012 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 12:21 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/10760/16729 |
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