Kanič, Ivan Slovenski enojezični razlagalni slovar bibliotekarske terminologije., 2011 [Preprint]
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English abstract
The discipline of library science has a considerable tradition in Slovene areas; in spite of strong and continuous influence of German in the 19th and 20th centuries, and today of English technical literature and terminology, Slovene terms have developed, strengthened and become established in spoken and written technical language of the profession. During all this time, however, no particular attention was paid to library-related terms and no organized attempt was made to codify and normalise them. Their use was based primarily on language practice and norms of individual »schools« or important and influential individuals; moreover, they were not formally or semantically standardized. Facing the fact that at the end of the 20th century there still did not exist any specialized dictionary of library terminology in Slovene language, its preparation and publication proved essential and the gap was filled by a long-term project involving the preparation of an explanatory Slovene dictionary of Library and Information Science. There was no existing dictionary material to start from, so the lexicographic work had to start almost from scratch and the initial focus was set to extraction and inventory of potential terms in Slovene literature. The dictionariy grew within a computer environment in all stages of processing, the complex data model was designed to facilitate effective and adequate editing and structure of dictionary entries, as well as simple and effective use of the dictionary on optical disc or online, while at the same time the format enabled required preparation of printed versions produced through electronic publishing and printing on demand. The paper deals with the presentation of the lexicographic and editorial work of the expert team in all stages of the project which resulted in publishing of the first Slovene explanatory dictionary in Library and Information Science in print and electronic version in 2009. Basic processes of word inventory, term extraction and dictionary structuring are described in detail, and a selection of specific term groups are discussed. Future research in Slovene library terminology will depend on intensive use of the specialized text corpus which had been planned in the frame of the same project and became operational in 2009.
Slovenian abstract
Bibliotekarstvo je stroka, ki ima v slovenskem prostoru dokajšnjo tradicijo; slovenski termini so se kljub močnemu in stalnemu vplivu nemškega jezika v 19. in 20. stoletju, danes pa predvsem vplivu angleške strokovne literature in s tem tudi terminologije, razvili, utrdili in tudi uveljavili. Ves ta čas pa bibliotekarskim terminom ni bila namenjena sistematična skrb ali organiziran poskus njihove kodifikacije in normiranja. Raba je slonela predvsem na jezikovni praksi in normi posameznih "šol" ali pomembnih in vplivnih posameznikov in pogosto ni bila niti oblikovno niti semantično usklajena. Zaradi spoznanja, da slovenska bibliotekarska terminologija kot strokovni rabi namenjeni segment slovenskega jezika konec 20. stoletja še ni imela svojega specializiranega slovarja, je to vrzel v bibliotekarski stroki zapolnil večletni projekt priprave slovenskega razlagalnega slovarja bibliotekarske terminologije. Zanj je značilno, da je nastajala skoraj iz nič, saj se ni bilo mogoče opreti na nobena obstoječa gradiva, zato je bilo v začetku delo skoraj v celoti usmerjeno v inventarizacijo izrazja v slovenski strokovni literaturi. Nastala je računalniška slovarska podatkovna zbirka, podatkovni model pa je bil zasnovan tako, da omogoča dovolj popolno sestavo in členitev geselskega članka ob enostavni in učinkoviti uporabi slovarja v elektronski obliki na optičnem disku in na svetovnem spletu, istočasno pa tudi urejanje, oblikovanje in vse potrebne izhodne oblike za objavo tiskane izdaje v sodobnem elektronskem založništvu in tiskanju na zahtevo. Prispevek predstavlja delo uredniške skupine ter projekt priprave slovenskega razlagalnega terminološkega slovarja za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti, ki je izšel leta 2009 v tiskani in elektronski obliki. Natančneje so opisani postopki evidentiranja in zbiranja ter obdelave slovarskega gradiva, zgradba terminološkega slovarja in nekatere izbrane skupine gesel ter priprava jezikovnega korpusa bibliotekarstva, ki je nastal leta 2011 kot osnova za nadaljnje raziskovalno delo ter dopolnjevanje in redakcijo slovarja.
Item type: | Preprint |
Keywords: | lexicography, terminology, terminological dictionaries, explanatory dictionaries, electronic dictionaries, library and information science, LIS, Slovene language |
Subjects: | A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AC. Relationship of LIS with other fields . B. Information use and sociology of information > BZ. None of these, but in this section. H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HZ. None of these, but in this section. |
Depositing user: | Mr Ivan Kanič |
Date deposited: | 13 Mar 2012 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 12:21 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/10760/16732 |
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