Offene Geodaten durch OpenStreetMap

Ramthun, Roland . Offene Geodaten durch OpenStreetMap., 2012 In: Open Initiatives: Offenheit in der digitalen Welt und Wissenschaft. universaar, pp. 159-184. [Book chapter]

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English abstract

This article focuses on the collaborative project OpenStreetMap OSM. OSM produces open geographical data in a collaborative manner, the resulting data can be used openly, without any charges or restrictions.

German abstract

Ein Artikel über das offene Geodaten-Projekt OpenStreetMap OSM. In OSM erstellen Freiwillige qualitativ hochwertige Geodaten in kollaborativen Workflows, die resultierenden Daten können offen, ohne einschränkende Lizenzen oder Zahlungen, genutzt, weiterverbreitet und angepasst werden.

Item type: Book chapter
Keywords: OpenStreetMap, OSM, Open Geographical Data, Open Knowledge, Offene Geodaten, Offenes Wissen
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AZ. None of these, but in this section.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BG. Information dissemination and diffusion.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HZ. None of these, but in this section.
I. Information treatment for information services > ID. Knowledge representation.
L. Information technology and library technology > LZ. None of these, but in this section.
Depositing user: Dr. Ulrich Herb
Date deposited: 22 Jun 2012
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:22


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