The musical offers of children’s programming on «Televisión Española» as its hearing universe

Porta-Navarro, Amparo The musical offers of children’s programming on «Televisión Española» as its hearing universe. Revista Comunicar, 2011, vol. XIX, n. 37, pp. 177-185. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The music that children are exposed to in their everyday lives plays an important role in shaping the way they interpret the world around them, and television soundtracks are, together with their direct experience of reality, one of the most significant sources of such input. This work is part of a broader research project that looks at what kind of music children listen to in a sample of Latin American and Spanish TV programmes. More specifically, this study focuses on children’s programmes in Spain, and was addressed using a semiotic theoretical framework with a quantitative and musical approach. The programme «Los Lunnis» was chosen as the subject of a preliminary study, which consisted in applying 90 templates and then analysing them in terms of the musical content. The results show that the programme uses music both as the leading figure and as a background element. The most common texture is the accompanied monody and the use of voice, and there is a predominance of electronic instrumental sounds, binary stress and major modes with modulations. Musical pieces are sometimes truncated and rhythmically the music is quite poor; the style used is predominantly that of foreign popular music, with a few allusions to the classical style and to incidental music. The data reveal the presence of music in cultural and patrimonial aspects, as well as in cognitive construction, which were not taken into account in studies on the influence of TV in Spain. Such aspects do emerge, however, when they are reviewed from the perspective of semiotics, musical representation, formal analysis and restructuring theories.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Soundtrack, observation, analysis, television, children, listening, music, audience.
Subjects: H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HH. Audio-visual, Multimedia.
Depositing user: Alex Ruiz
Date deposited: 26 Jun 2012
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:22


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