Vucic, Vedran Veb pristupačnost i elektronskih formati za pristup informacijama za osobe sa invaliditetom., 2011 [Library instructional material]
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English abstract
Author described the context of the development of technological and social relationships and how they mutually made changes on ways how people interact with information and access to knowledge. The development of societies changed significantly the role of libraries and posed new technological and other challenges due to the development of information technologies. Since the development of information technologies caused expansion of production capacities in societies there was additional need to standardize production of formats of access, distribution, archiving of information. Due to democratic character of many developed societies openness of information and human rights emphasized an importance of legal aspects and rights of persons with disabilities. Author mentioned articles of the UN Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities which required that parties which ratified convention should implement accessibility standards for persons with disabilities. Author presented standards and technical specifications that define accessibility of web interface, computer software and file formats. It is especially emphasized that those standards are important in libraries. Modern libraries should adopt and use file formats which are accessible for persons with disabilities in order to avoid risk of increased discrimination against persons with disabilities if inaccessible technologies will be used. Author believes that this would help persons with disability to use library resources and services equally as other users do.
Serbian abstract
Autor opisuje kontekst razvoja tehnologije i društvenih odnosa koji u međusobnim uticajima značajno menjaju odnos i interakciju čoveka sa informacijama i pristupom znanju. Razvoj društva informacija značajno menja ulogu biblioteka i zahteve bibliotekara da odgovore tehnološkim i drugim izazovima informacionih tehnologija. Razvoj informacionih tehnologija je doveo do značajne ekspanzije produkcijskih kapaciteta društva pa je i produkcija informacija svojom ekspanzijom zahtevala standardizovanje formata pristupa, distribucije, čuvanja i arhiviranja. Otvorenost izvora informacija i demokratizacija društva dovele su do isticanja pravnih aspekata prava osoba sa invaliditetom. Autor se poziva na članove konvencije o pravima osoba sa invaliditetom koji zahtevaju da države potpisnice primenjuju standarde pristupačnosti elektronskih informacija za osobe sa invaliditetom. Autor predstavlja standarde i tehničke specifikacije koje regulišu pristupačnost veb interfejsa, kompjuterskih programa i formata datoteka. Posebno je naglašen njihov značaj u radu biblioteka. Savremene biblioteke naglašava autor, moraju da usvoje i koriste formate pristupačne za osobe sa invaliditetom kako primena savremenih tehnologija ne bi povećala diskriminaciju nad osobama sa invaliditetom i omogućavala ravnopravnu upotrebu bibliotečkih sadržaja i efikasnije funkcionisanje savremenih biblioteka.
Item type: | Library instructional material |
Keywords: | persons with disability, accessibility, libraries, file formats, standards |
Subjects: | L. Information technology and library technology > LC. Internet, including WWW. L. Information technology and library technology > LJ. Software. |
Depositing user: | Vedran Vucic |
Date deposited: | 01 Mar 2013 08:17 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 12:25 |
URI: | |
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