How open are journalists on Twitter? Trends towards the end-user journalism

Noguera-Vivo, José-Manuel How open are journalists on Twitter? Trends towards the end-user journalism. Communication and Society, 2013, vol. 26, n. 1, pp. 93-114. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The many activities of journalists on Twitter should be analyzed. Are they doing a different kind of journalism? With a content analysis of 1125 tweets, this study reveals trends of some Spanish journalists using Twitter. A traditional role like gatekeeping can be highly amplified in terms of transparency and accountability with actions as retweeting or linking. The landscape offered by this platform is framed with the "ambient journalism", which will help to understand the proposal of this study: the end-user journalism. The findings will show the level of opening with the audience in aspects about replies, requests and linking.

Spanish abstract

Los periodistas establecen relaciones en Twitter de diversas formas que deben estudiarse. Mediante un análisis de contenido de 1.125 tweets, el estudio refleja varias tendencias que esbozan el uso de Twitter por algunos periodistas de relevancia. ¿Están practicando un periodismo diferente? Por ejemplo, un rol tradicional como el de gatekeeper puede verse notablemente amplificado al retuitear o enlazar. El panorama ofrecido por esta plataforma se enmarca dentro del llamado ambient journalism, que contextualizará la propuesta de este estudio: un periodismo centrado en el usuario. Los resultados mostrarán la apertura respecto a cómo responden, preguntan o enlazan algunos periodistas en Twitter.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Journalism, New media, Social media, Twitter
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BA. Use and impact of information.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BD. Information society.
Depositing user: JM Noguera
Date deposited: 19 Mar 2013 08:37
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:25


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