Índice de Polibiblon

Rubí, Eduardo Índice de Polibiblon., 2011 (Unpublished) [Bibliography]

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English abstract

Chronological index of Polibiblon, Argentina and Latin literature cumulative, whose seven issues were published during 1947. His goal was to record the entire output current literature of Argentina, who entered the Intellectual Property Registry, except periodicals. A brief attempt, technically impeccable, after the necessary National Bibliography.

Spanish abstract

Índice cronológico de Polibiblon, bibliografía acumulativa argentina e hispanoamericana, cuyos siete números fueron publicados durante 1947. Su objetivo era registrar la totalidad de la producción bibliográfica en curso de la Argentina, que ingresaban en el Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual, exceptuando las publicaciones periódicas. Un intento fugaz, técnicamente impecable, en pos de la necesaria Bibliografía Nacional.

Item type: Bibliography
Keywords: National bibliography, Index, Argentina
Subjects: I. Information treatment for information services
I. Information treatment for information services > IA. Cataloging, bibliographic control.
Depositing user: Eduardo Rubí
Date deposited: 03 Apr 2013 20:37
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:25
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/18918


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