Students’ E-information Seeking Behaviour at KSCE, Kiit University, India

Swain , Dillip K and Panda, K. C Students’ E-information Seeking Behaviour at KSCE, Kiit University, India. SRELS Journal of Information Management, 2013, vol. 50, n. 4, pp. 423-435. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Libraries of engineering institutions are prominent information organizations that play vital role in catering to the information needs of the respective institutions. Students of engineering subjects need to update their knowledge through latest information in their respective field of interest which enables them to support their academic needs. How the information needs and seeking behavior of the students’ community is steered by the library professionals is indeed a big question. This paper intends to examine the overall information seeking behavior of students of school of computer engineering, KIIT University, India. The analysis reveals that students are absolutely satisfied with the loan of books (circulation) and internet service. However, respondents have a very poor opinion on reservation service and interlibrary loan. Moreover, the paper provides some constructive suggestions for the up- gradation systems and services of the university library.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Internet, online databases, e-resources, e-books, e-journals, OPAC
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BH. Information needs and information requirements analysis.
Depositing user: Dr. Dillip K Swain
Date deposited: 15 Aug 2013 05:35
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:27


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