Koirala, Indira THE STATUS OF CIRCULATION SECTION IN TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY CENTRAL LIBRARY., 2012 Master Degree thesis, Tribhuvan University. [Thesis]

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Alternative locations: Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal

English abstract

This study entitled ”The status of circulation section in Tribhuvan University Central Library” has been carried out basing upon the substantive issues raised by its users about the important aspect of circulation section, its opening time and duration. There is the problem of overdue books. And questions have been raised about the clearance certificate which is compulsory for the PG students, who, in fact are not the bonafied members of TUCL. The present study has been carried out with the objectives to find out the obvious reasons behind it revealing the present status of circulation services of TUCL. This study also discusses about the opening time of TUCL, book issued and returned per year, the users opinion about over dues and compulsory clearance system for the PG students. This study has not covered the over all aspects of TUCL, but only about its circulation section and faculty members and students of other department, are not included due to lack of time and resource. This study has great significance to know the present status of circulation system of TUCL and to find out the problem faced by PG students outside the University Campus, Kirtipur. Different literature, explaining circulation system of various academic and public libraries have been reviewed to get information related to our study. About eleven literature have been reviewed from books, Journals and web. The study has been focused on circulation system of TUCL. However, other activities like membership, overdue, and clearance certificate services have been implicitly carried out. Data have been collected using questionnaire method in this research. Collected data have been tabulated, analyzed and interpreted in a systematic way. Hundred questionnaires were distributed and they were duly filled and returned. 70 percentage of the respondents have said that they are satisfied with the present opening time and rest 30% showed their dissatisfaction. Majority of the respondents (76%) urged TUCL to provide more effective services. They ( 68%) suggested to improve the card filing strictly following alphabetical order. (68%) of the respondents expressed their concern about the proper shelving of books in the book shelves. Majority of the respondents(55%) also pointed the need of the library regular orientation program. A brief summary including all the facts and figures have been provided and a succinct conclusion has been drawn. Necessary recommendation has been made based upon the study. • Circulation service should be carried out till the library opens. • There must not be wide gap between library opening time and circulation service providing time. • Books are to be properly shelved. • Cards are to be filed strictly in alphabetical order. • Library orientation programs are to be conducted timely. • Advocacy of rules and regulation should be properly done. • Circulation section has to be well equipped technically. • Circulation staffs are to be made more cooperative and users friendly. • Some additional staffs are to be deputed in the circulation section. • New books are materials are to be supplied in the library. • The dissatisfied PG students of other campuses are to be reminded and explained about the reason and policy of TUCL.

Item type: Thesis (UNSPECIFIED)
Keywords: Circulation Services; Academic Libraries; Circulation System; Lending System; Libraries services
Subjects: J. Technical services in libraries, archives, museum. > JI. Circulation.
J. Technical services in libraries, archives, museum. > JZ. None of these, but in this section.
Depositing user: Dilip Man Sthapit
Date deposited: 25 Sep 2013 07:12
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:27


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Web Reference

Retrieved from www. Banglore University Library (date: July 09 2011)

Retrieved from Delhi University Library (date: July 09 2011)

Retrieved from Madrash University Library system (searching date: 11 July, 2011)

Retrieved from Library of Congress (date: 11 July, 2011)


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