Web social: impacto no comportamento informacional na produção do conhecimento

Oliveira, Lizete dias de, Rocha, Rafael Port da , Miranda, Májory and Miranda, Alexandre Web social: impacto no comportamento informacional na produção do conhecimento., 2009 . In IV Encontro Ibérico EDIBCIC , Coimbra (Portugal), 18 a 20 de Novembro. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

The research is focused on the new contexts of teaching, which are centred on the accessibility of information and building of collective knowledge. The Social Web, as a contemporary concept materialized by electronic information resources and content sharing channels, has making changes on the social behavior, use and production of information. In Social Web context, we identify a tendency towards the fragmentation of information, caused by new patterns of use of information, which can be identified by behaviors of search, production, dissemination and use. Identified in the media as a «one to many» social service and represented by channels of sharing content like micro-blogging, social networks and wikis, the main feature of the Social Web is its immediate return, which can express personal experiences and opinions, providing a better and faster processing of information (cognition), its (re)use and changes. In this paper, we start with the differentiation of two key concepts involved in the retrieval of information: to find and to discover, and we compare two theories: the Doctrine of Intentionality and the Long Tail. The Doctrine of Intentionality is understood as a subject-object relationship, the act of conscience that a person performs with an intentional objective, and used in the fragmented infocomunicacional phenomenon as a method to judge value and improve quality. The Long Tail, which applied to folksonomias leads to the serendipity, a pleasurable discovery of unexpected things are the center of learning. By other words, it is the representation that an intentional object awakens in the subject, the metadada for the findability compared to the folksonomies for the serendipity. In line with the behavior of search and use, the Social Web shapes a new conception of classroom, breaking barriers of space and time, so that the education becomes continued, not being interrupted every semester, where the knowledge may expands through collaborative writing, «perpetual beta». The folksonomy, in contrast to the taxonomy, is a categorization based on collaboration, where key words are freely chosen by users, reflecting the vocabulary of users, without previous control, as in taxonomy. Furthermore, due to the the judgement of value of the the Doctrine of Intentionality, qualitative contributions will be shared, that may increase the dissemination and production of scientific knowledge, and enhance the processing and enrichment of specialized information. With the support of services for making comments, content sharing and tagging, the user uses a kind of reliable information and interacts through the concepts of social web. Through these concepts and the combining of information, any content management service may have information about the types of use, interaction and production of tags. Thus, this service also may include information on trends of use of information. These results may shape the information services of today and tomorrow.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: social web; knowledge production; web social; produção de conhecimento
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information
H. Information sources, supports, channels.
Depositing user: Carla Ferreira
Date deposited: 21 May 2014 21:38
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:31
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/23100


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