Knowledge base for subject area of knowledge organization: Issues, challenges, and preliminary outcomes of a research project

Kučerová, Helena and Bratková, Eva Knowledge base for subject area of knowledge organization: Issues, challenges, and preliminary outcomes of a research project., 2014 . In Knowledge organization in the 21st century: Between historical patterns and future prospects: 13th International Conference (ISKO 2014), Jagiellonian University, Institute of Information and Library Science, Kraków (Poland), May 19th - 22nd, 2014. (Unpublished) [Conference poster]

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English abstract

The poster presented a research project of Czech knowledge base for subject area of knowledge organization, conducted on Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague and funded by the Czech Ministry of Culture through the Programme of applied R&D in National and Cultural Identity (NAKI). We describe the outline of the project and we demonstrate interim issues and outcomes after first year od research. --- The motivation for the project was the fact that since the 1980s, no monograph covering the topic of knowledge organization has been published in the Czech language. The project is based on the following hypotheses: 1) Knowledge organization depends on the natural language and specific cultural context, 2) The study of knowledge organization needs to be extended beyond the scope of memory institutions, 3) Knowledge organization is undergoing a paradigm shift caused by the prevalence of electronic documents and web technologies, which hasn’t been reflected so far in either Czech scholarly literature or terminology. The knowledge base will provide background material for the current scientific monograph, it will serve as a resource for updating the Czech terminology, and as an education and training tool in the field of librarianship and information science. The content of the knowledge base will be implemented in Czech, the intended users are the Czech experts and students. It will allow studies in the mother tongue with the respect for linguistic, cultural and local specificities of local library and information practice. However, in case of interest, it will be viable to translate it to other languages and make the knowledge base content open to a wider audience. --- The designed knowledge base will assemble and structure the current body of knowledge for the domain of knowledge organization and will enable for storing, browsing, and searching of existing knowledge as well as for discovering or inferencing of new knowledge in a defined domain. The knowledge base will consist of conceptual model in ontology format, filled in by instances, i. e. by RDF statements and descriptive metadata about knowledge organization systems, persons, institutions, events, activities, tools, and other relevant resources. Based on our own survey on methods of ontological engineering we chose the methodology UPON: Unified Process for Ontology for the ontology design. The methodology is iterative and incremental, consisting of phases combining top-down approach applied in ontology modeling with bottom-up procedure to create the dictionary (from lexicon to glossary, then through semantic relationsips to semantic network, final phase being the domain ontology). So far, the knowledge acquisition process was based on interviews with domain experts, literature survey, and data mining in back-of-the-book subject indexes. During the design phase, we proceed according to the methodology of Denton and Spiteri by defining facets. The results of first year of research are: 1) Our own clearly defined concept of knowledge organization both as a process and a discipline, based on a concept and process maps, 2) Conceptual model of a knowledge base, 3) Prototype of a knowledge base (about 1200 knowledge units – RDF statements, bibliographic metadata about documents and KOS’s). The plans for future research include: completion of knowledge acquisition, enhancing the types of knowledge units with procedural knowledge, implementation of a knowledge base and making it publicly available online in the form of Linked Open Data.

Item type: Conference poster
Keywords: indexing and abstracting, knowledge base, knowledge engineering, knowledge organization, knowledge organization systems, knowledge representation, ontology,
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AZ. None of these, but in this section.
I. Information treatment for information services > IB. Content analysis (A and I, class.)
I. Information treatment for information services > IC. Index languages, processes and schemes.
I. Information treatment for information services > ID. Knowledge representation.
Depositing user: Helena Kučerová
Date deposited: 30 Jun 2014 13:56
Last modified: 16 Jan 2015 14:28


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