Making Apsim Open Data Driven

Morshed, Ahsan , Shu, Yanfeng and Dutta, Ritaban Making Apsim Open Data Driven., 2014 . In The 20th World Congress of Soil Science , Jeju (Republic of Korea), 8-13 June 2014. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

Sustainable agriculture information is on high demand for farmers to make informed decisions in the crop management process. There are some tools available for predicting the crop yield and agricultural business profitability, among which is the Agriculture Production System Simulator (APSIM) [1-2]. The APSIM is a modelling framework which is developed by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific Research Organization (CSIRO) and the Queensland Government Agency. This modelling framework is used for simulating the biophysical process in a farming system for crop system management or risk prediction with environmental inputs such as rainfall, humidity, temperature, solar radiation, and wind speed. It follows the “plug-in/pull-out” approach in which users can configure the model with crop, soil and utility modules for the crop management. The model can simulate more than 20 crops and forests, e.g. alfalfa, eucalyptus, cowpea, pigeonpea, peanuts, cotton, lupin, maize, wheat, barley, sunflower, sugarcane, chickpea, and tomato. All simulation processes of the APSIM model are based on the data from the BOM-SILO database [3] which is maintained by the Queensland Climate Excellence within the Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts (DSITTA). The data was collected from 4760 BOM weather stations from 1889 until today. Most of the data used in the model are historical data. Being a closed system, APSIM is not suitable for dynamic information integration. As there is no external plug-in available for accessing the model, it is hard to run the model for prediction within external applications. Furthermore, while recent trends in dynamic decision support systems are very much inclined to the use of mobile applications, there is no web based services around APSIM for that purpose.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Ontology, APSIM, Knowledgebase, Data
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology > LD. Computers.
L. Information technology and library technology > LN. Data base management systems.
Depositing user: Dr Ahsan Morshed
Date deposited: 06 Aug 2014 07:30
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:32


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