Научната комуникация и матричната организационна структура на академичната библиотека = Scholarly Communication and the Academic Library Matrix Organization Structure

Терзиева, Надя Научната комуникация и матричната организационна структура на академичната библиотека = Scholarly Communication and the Academic Library Matrix Organization Structure., 2004 . In Национална научна конференция, посветена на 60 годишнината на доц. д-р Стефан Коларов, Велико Търново, 20-21 ноември 2003. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

The present article has aimed to introduce the possibilities for scholarly communication improvement through matrix organizational structure of the New Bulgarian University Library.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: academic library, matrix organizational structure, project management, New Bulgarian University
Subjects: D. Libraries as physical collections. > DD. Academic libraries.
G. Industry, profession and education. > GD. Organizations.
Depositing user: Nadya Terzieva
Date deposited: 30 Sep 2014 07:54
Last modified: 14 Oct 2014 08:22
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/23688


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