Participatory action research and information literacy: Revising an old new hope for research and practice

Machin-Mastromatteo, Juan-Daniel, Lau, Jesús and Virkus, Sirje . Participatory action research and information literacy: Revising an old new hope for research and practice., 2013 In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Worldwide Commonalities and Challenges in Information Literacy Research and Practice. Springer, pp. 48-53. [Book chapter]

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English abstract

This paper is a starting of a research which points toward constructing the basis for a research agenda integrating Participatory Action Research (PAR) into Information Literacy (IL) research and practice. In order to achieve this goal: a) we enumerate some pros and cons of using such methodology on IL with the pertinent literature and our own practice as IL researchers; b) we have developed a questionnaire to gather some insights from the research community in this matter; and c) we will start to seek an understanding of the possible contributions that a PAR-IL research agenda can bring to the field. The integration of PAR into IL research and practice is discussed from the three possible methodological stances: quantitative, qualitative, and a mixed methods perspective. Furthermore, we enumerate some of the pros, cons, hesitations and eagerness that researchers might have toward the idea of using PAR.

Item type: Book chapter
Keywords: participatory action research, information literacy, methodology
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AC. Relationship of LIS with other fields .
C. Users, literacy and reading.
Depositing user: Juan-Daniel Machin-Mastromatteo
Date deposited: 16 Feb 2015 13:03
Last modified: 16 Feb 2015 13:03


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