The Clinical Librarian’s Answering Steps to Emergency Medicine Faculties’ and Residents’ Clinical Questions in 7th Tir Martyrs Hospital, Tehran, Iran

Shokraneh, Farhad The Clinical Librarian’s Answering Steps to Emergency Medicine Faculties’ and Residents’ Clinical Questions in 7th Tir Martyrs Hospital, Tehran, Iran., 2010 Master Thesis thesis, Iran University of Medical Sciences, School of Management and Medical Information Science. [Thesis]

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English abstract

Introduction: One of the medical librarians’ roles linked to evidence-based medicine is clinical librarianship. Clinical librarian gives the related answers to the clinical questions asked by clinicians relying on evidence-based medical information. This study aimed to assess the clinical librarian's answering steps to emergency department doctors’ clinical questions as a result of first clinical librarianship pilot project of Iran. Methods: A clinical librarian, six academic members and eighteen residents of emergency medicine participated in this descriptive cross-sectional study during a 3 months period (1 February to 30 April 2010) in Emergency Department, 7th Tir Martyrs Hospital. Related data were collected using the clinical question forms. Results: One hundred twenty six clinical questions in five types (84 therapeutic/interventional, 25 diagnostic, 8 frequency/rate, 6 prognostic/prediction and 3 etiologic) were asked and all answered by clinical librarian. PICO elements were variable from one question to another one and just 5 questions were fully adoptable with PICO framework. PIO and PO patterns (respectively for 61 and 34 question) were used more than other patterns. Some of patterns were used by certain type(s) of questions. Mean times needed for each of 4 answering steps (ask, PICO, answer, and verify) were 1.1, 1, 9.22 and 3.11 minutes. Mean time needed for answering steps for each question was 14.42 minutes. Satisfaction of clinicians was very high for 53 (42%), quite for 45 (36%), high for 24 (19%), and moderate for 4 (3%) answers. Discussion: Clinical questions are more than 4 types and PICO elements vary in different questions of different types. There are many PICO patterns for each type of questions. Mean time of Answering steps in this study is close to the other similar researches and according to the location of this project the time is appropriate. High satisfaction of clinicians in clinical librarianship project may be affected by many factors. As this project was the first experience of Iran, it has some weak and power points that can be a guide to the future large-scale project.

Item type: Thesis (UNSPECIFIED)
Keywords: Clinical Librarianship, Evidence-Based Medicine, Question Formulation, Clinical Questions, PICO, Search Strategy, Answering Steps
Subjects: D. Libraries as physical collections. > DK. Health libraries, Medical libraries.
J. Technical services in libraries, archives, museum. > JZ. None of these, but in this section.
Depositing user: Farhad Shokraneh
Date deposited: 15 Mar 2015 10:33
Last modified: 15 Mar 2015 10:33


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