Improving reference service using Evidence Based Medicine resources and methods

Gómez-Sánchez, Alicia-Fátima and Isabel-Gómez, Rebeca Improving reference service using Evidence Based Medicine resources and methods., 2014 . In 14th EAHIL Conference "Divided we fall, united we inform - Building alliances for a new European cooperation", Rome (Italy), 11-13 June 2014. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

Background: EBM provides accurate methods to identify, summarize and analyze information. In parallel, new roles are integrating medical librarians and information specialists into the research and decision-making workflow in health institutions. Objective: To highlight the need to implement a protocol to systematize general literature searches based on methodologies and quality assessment mechanisms developed by the EBM. Methods: We analyzed the main proposals for selecting information resources and their adequacy for medical libraries, focusing on the COSI protocol. Discussion: COSI helps locate information systematically and select pertinent sources based on CORE, Standard and Ideal searches, fitting searches to target information and available time and resources. Conclusions: The use of EBM methods and resources will maximize the quality of their work for their users. In particular the COSI protocol is a valuable tool for assuring exhaustiveness in systematic information retrieval. Librarians should be involved from the start in formulating research questions (PICO) adapting searches to the study and resources available.

English abstract

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Evidence-Based Medicine; Information Storage and Retrieval; Library Services; Research Design; Medicina basada en la Evidencia; Recuperación y Almacenamiento de la Información; Servicios Bibliotecarios; Diseño de la Investigación
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information.
A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AA. Library and information science as a field.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BH. Information needs and information requirements analysis.
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DH. Special libraries.
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DK. Health libraries, Medical libraries.
Depositing user: Dr Alicia-Fátima Gómez-Sánchez
Date deposited: 16 Mar 2015 10:28
Last modified: 20 Apr 2019 12:53


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