Alfabetización informativa a través de tutoriales electrónicos: nuevo reto para las bibliotecas universitarias

Fernández-Ramos, Andrés . Alfabetización informativa a través de tutoriales electrónicos: nuevo reto para las bibliotecas universitarias., 2015 In: La información y sus contextos en el cambio social. UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información, pp. 127-153. [Book chapter]

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English abstract

Information literacy has become a principal function of university libraries, and many of them have begun using online materials in their instruction activities. In this paper, online information literacy tutorials are described, and their evolution, main characteristics and assessment methods are analyzed.

Item type: Book chapter
Keywords: information literacty; tutorials; university libraries
Subjects: C. Users, literacy and reading. > CE. Literacy.
L. Information technology and library technology > LC. Internet, including WWW.
Depositing user: Dr. Andrés Fernández-Ramos
Date deposited: 22 Apr 2015 21:28
Last modified: 22 Apr 2015 21:28


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